Category State & Global
Sunrise at the Arboretum
The sun rose on a cold and quiet University of Wisconsin–Madison Arboretum on Jan. 4. Temperatures were only in the single digits, and most students were still gone on winter break.
Hugh Iltis, UW’s ‘battling botanist,’ dies at 91
Passionate, articulate and informed, Iltis was opinionated, sometimes argumentative, but always a fearless defender of the natural world he revered.
Fossil fuel formation: Key to atmosphere’s oxygen?
“Why is there oxygen in the atmosphere?" asks researcher Shanan Peters. The high school explanation is 'photosynthesis.' But we’ve known for a long time ... that building up oxygen requires the formation of rocks like black shale."
Wisconsin cancer patients test encouraging lymphoma treatment
Half of the patients in a Wisconsin Oncology Network clinical trial for a rare blood cancer are still in remission eight years after beginning treatment, according to new results of a follow-up to the study, led by UW hematologist Julie Chang.
UW team is triumphant in ‘Ninja Warrior’ contest
There was no stopping the three-person Wisconsin Badgers team on their road to the "Team Ninja Warrior: College Madness" championship.
Professor helps preserve ancient Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem
In summer 2016, Dante Fratta, an associate professor of geological engineering and civil and environmental engineering at UW–Madison, was part of international team of experts who used modern methods in an effort to preserve the ancient Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
Aldo Leopold series involves community in environmental discussions
UW-Madison will honor pioneering conservationist Aldo Leopold’s legacy and connect it to our time with a wide-ranging series of seminars, lectures, and workshops.
Northwoods Tour project helps preserve everyone’s history
A UW–Madison team recognized the significance of preserving home videos and other personal histories in new and reliable formats. To share that expertise across the state, they launched a project called the Northwoods Tour.
Professor’s suggestion spawned a billion-dollar catalog powerhouse in Wisconsin
Ray Kubly Sr. started The Swiss Colony in 1926, the year he graduated from UW–Madison. It has evolved into a billion-dollar-a-year, multi-catalog company.
UW-Madison winter commencement takes place Sunday
Just more than 1,000 students will take part in the University of Wisconsin–Madison's winter commencement ceremony at 10 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 18, at the Kohl Center.
Q&A: Student speaker says UW ‘transformed’ him
Student keynote speaker Terrence Thurk, who's graduating with a degree in mechanical engineering, was selected after submitting a video showing his passion for UW–Madison.
UW Law School family law expert selected for research chair
A University of Wisconsin Law School professor will use an innovative research chair to complete a project that examines the civil justice experiences of unrepresented parents in child support cases.
Q&A: Cotter to retire after more than a quarter century at UW–Madison
After 26 years at UW–Madison, Maury Cotter will retire in January from her position as director of UW–Madison’s Office of Quality Improvement.
Fred Blattner: genetics pioneer, entrepreneurial success, and all that jazz
Fred Blattner has been doing DNA research for more than 50 years, and he founded or co-founded three successful companies all focused on DNA: DNASTAR, Nimblegen and Scarab Genomics.
UW-Madison student wins Marshall Scholarship
UW-Madison senior Deshawn McKinney has been named a winner of the Marshall Scholarship, a prestigious award given to up to 40 scholars each year to study at the graduate level at an UK institution in any field of study.
New ESL active learning lab expands learning possibilities for international students
The UW–Madison ESL program — part of the English Department — recently celebrated the launch of a new interactive learning lab.
The 15th edition of Curb Magazine is all about love in Wisconsin
Each year, 21 students in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Wisconsin–Madison participate in a unique capstone project: writing,…