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Category State & Global

Skibba, Widmer win award for online learning design research

March 18, 2021

The award comes as a result of research the pair conducted on the impact of the TeachOnline@UW blended faculty learning community on perceptions of and practices for online education.

Study finds link between climate change and longer ‘dead zones’ in lakes

March 17, 2021

According to the study by UW researchers, warm summer weather is the main driver behind longer periods of anoxia, or oxygen-starved water, in Lake Mendota.

Online field trips bring science across Wisconsin

March 12, 2021

The pandemic’s limitations have presented new opportunities for expanding and engaging schools that would not be able to come to campus in person due to distance or other factors.

Division of the Arts announces two artists-in-residence for the 2021-22 academic year

March 11, 2021

Saxophonist Arun Luthra is an American musician of Indian heritage. Judy Frater, living in India for 30 years, co-founded KalaRaksha Trust and Museum.

What’s changed on campus

March 9, 2021

While many of us have been away during the pandemic, campus continues to evolve as construction projects progress. If you haven’t been to Badgerland for…

More than a footnote: Remembering the life of William S. Noland, the first known Black graduate of UW–Madison

March 3, 2021

Noland, a member of the first Black family to establish permanent residence in Madison, received his UW degree on June 17, 1875.

When perseverance is the only option: Mabel Watson Raimey

March 3, 2021

Raimey is believed to have been the first African-American woman to graduate from UW–Madison. And that is just the beginning of her story.

Pharmacy students meet urgent need for vaccinators in Wisconsin

March 2, 2021

“It’s a win-win,” says pharmacy student Maggie Hoernke. “We get practice educating patients and administering the vaccine, and we also get to help out the public.

Community Chats series highlights how campus partners are tackling pressing issues

February 25, 2021

In the first episode, Brenda González talks with Emily Auerbach of the UW Odyssey Project, which offers life-changing UW–Madison humanities classes for adult students facing economic barriers to college.

Badger Talks video: The right type of mask

February 23, 2021

In this Badger Talks interview, mechanical engineering professor Scott Sanders talks through some of the mask-fitting guidance.

20 million years of life lost to COVID-19

February 22, 2021

In heavily affected countries, the pandemic has surpassed influenza and traffic deaths in years of life cut short and is comparable to heart disease, says UW–Madison political scientist Adeline Lo.

UW startup DataChat democratizes data science

February 19, 2021

The company's growth since being founded in 2017 illustrates the many ways UW–Madison nurtures start-ups that arise from its research.

UW–Madison UniverCity Year program to partner with four communities in 2021

February 18, 2021

The program links university resources with local knowledge to improve sustainability, resilience, livability, and the general well-being of Wisconsin communities.