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Category Society & Culture

Talking to doctors: Never simple, but getting tougher: Could this help?

September 14, 2017

UW-Madison professor of family medicine Paul Smith is leading the development and testing of Care Talks to help people improve communication with the medical system.

UW-Madison course examines natural disasters

September 13, 2017

When Harold Tobin was planning the course on "Natural Hazards and Disasters" last spring, he could not know that hurricanes and wildfires would own the news cycle this semester.

Fire in a crowded theater? Nitrate film is crumbling as experts strive to salvage the past

September 12, 2017

The effort combined chemical analysis of nitrate film, review of historical literature on it, and information from professionals who have handled, stored and shipped it.

Photo gallery: Multicultural orientation celebrates new Badgers

September 8, 2017

The Multicultural Orientation and Reception (MCOR), part of a series of beginning-of-the-semester Wisconsin Welcome events, was held at the Wisconsin Union Theater's Shannon Hall, with music and dance performances by members of UW–Madison student organizations.

Farm to Flavor dinner showcases vegetables bred for flavor

September 7, 2017

Only deep, earthy beets, rich sweet corn and bright kale were fit for the Farm to Flavor dinner, a showcase for vegetables bred specifically for intense flavor by the UW–Madison plant breeding network the Seed to Kitchen Collaborative.

Campus museums recreate ‘cabinet of natural history’ digitally

September 1, 2017

The centralized database will link five museums’ combined 9 million-plus specimens that span all seven continents, the moon and Mars.

Series offers new insight into Jane Austen on 200th anniversary of her death

August 29, 2017

Jane Austen: Remembered and Revisited invites community members to explore her work and her world, drawing on UW–Madison expertise in literature, dance, music, film and visual arts.

Preschool “Kindness Curriculum” is now available, free

August 28, 2017

The University of Wisconsin–Madison Center for Healthy Minds­ is releasing its free mindfulness-based “Kindness Curriculum,” a 12-week program designed for teachers to implement with their preschoolers.

UW-Madison hosts businesses from around Wisconsin and beyond

August 24, 2017

The Office of Corporate Relations welcomed representatives of 88 companies to the UW–Madison Business Engagement Day on Campus.

Chancellor Blank asks study group to review history of student involvement with KKK

August 21, 2017

"In the wake of the tragedy in Charlottesville, it is time to take a fresh look at our history to ensure that we fully understand and appropriately acknowledge the activities of members of the campus community during this time period."

Course explores new field at intersection of genomics and society

August 18, 2017

Jason Fletcher is researching how public policy intersects with genetic data, what our genes can predict about how society functions, and how we should use this data responsibly — an area of study dubbed "social genomics."

Reflective art installation displays beauty, intrigue of genetics

August 17, 2017

Pictures obtained from Ahna Skop’s exploration of the cell — as well as striking images from other UW–Madison research projects — will serve as a basis for a traveling art exhibit, “Genetic Reflections.”

Signs of Summer

August 10, 2017

There’s plenty of interaction, but absolutely no talking in one class at UW–Madison this summer, as an intimate group of students learns to communicate with American Sign Language. Video by Craig Wild/University Communications

New summer program helps international students acclimate before the fall rush

August 9, 2017

A new program allows first-year international students to arrive several weeks ahead of the fall semester and take an academic reading and writing class for non-native English speakers.

Sparkling wine from Kewaunee best in show at first Wisconsin wine taste-off

August 8, 2017

Nineteen Wisconsin wineries presented 93 wines at the first annual “Wine is Wisconsin” competition on the UW–Madison campus on Monday.