Category Health & Wellness
UW System Regents, officials tour Waisman Center
UW System officials recently toured the Waisman Center, known for its groundbreaking work helping people with developmental disabilities and neurodegenerative disorders.
Creating pathways: connecting American Indian students to health professions
In the last several years, NACHP and the School of Nursing have been working to break down barriers that deter American Indian students from pursuing careers in health fields with the larger vision of improving the health and wellness of American Indian communities in Wisconsin.
Researchers forge primitive human leukemia cells in lab
By generating cells with the properties of primitive human leukemia cells, researchers have established a model for studying chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) stem cells, potentially leading to better treatment options.
Josh Medow: Critical care for the brain
At Joshua Medow's first job, in the Neurocritical Intensive Care Unit at UW Hospital and Clinics, he saves lives. His patients have endured strokes, car accidents and shootings.