Capitol Capsules
Capitol Capsules provides a quick overview of state government activities of interest to UW–Madison employees.
Finance Committee to take up budget reduction bill
The Joint Finance Committee is considering Gov. Doyle’s proposal to reduce state spending in the 2002-03 fiscal year, which ends June 30, by $81 million. The proposal would also provide $64 million in additional funding for medical assistance benefits and BadgerCare, and additional funding for out-of-state prison bed contracts.
Included in the governor’s proposal is approximately $7 million in cuts to UW System administration, including $2.6 million at UW–Madison. The committee or the full legislature could increase this cut to resolve more of the state’s current $452 million deficit. The committee may take executive action on the proposal before the next floor session, scheduled for Feb. 18th.
Audit committee approves request to look at UW administration
The Joint Committee on Audit has approved a legislative request to audit UW System administrative expenditures. These include an examination of the campus administration, including the dean level and below, as well as the UW System Administration. Speaking to the committee, President Lyall said that she welcomed the audit and any resulting recommendations for improved efficiencies.
Assembly passes bill to limit state positions
The full Assembly has passed Assembly Bill 3, a measure that prohibits state agencies from filling more than 80 percent of the total number of full-time equivalent positions that become vacant during the fiscal year. The bill had been amended earlier in the week in committee to only apply to positions that are vacant longer than 90 days and to sunset the provision Dec. 31, 2005. Also, an appeal procedure was provided through the Joint Finance Committee if an agency wants to fill more than 80 percent of its positions. A floor amendment to exclude federal and gift/grant funded positions failed. The bill next goes to the Senate for consideration.
Bills circulating
These bills are being circulated for signature. They have not yet been introduced.
LRB 0807/2 — human cloning ban
Representative Steve Kestell (R-Elkhart Lake) is circulating a bill that would prohibit all human cloning — reproductive and therapeutic.
LRB 1062/2 — MCAT requirement
Representative Sheldon Wasserman (D-Milwaukee) is circulating a bill that would require all applicants to the UW Medical School to take the MCAT as a prerequisite for admission.
LRB 1096/1 — undocumented students
Representative Pedro Colon (D-Milwaukee) is circulating a bill that would give resident tuition rates to undocumented students.
LRB 1836/1 — human cloning ban
Senator Joe Leibham (R-Sheboygan) is circulating a bill that would prohibit all human cloning. This is a companion bill to Representative Steve Kestell’s bill.
Rep. Colon to run for Milwaukee mayor
Earlier this week state representative Pedro Colon (D-Milwaukee) announced his candidacy for mayor of Milwaukee. Current Mayor John Norquist announced that he will not seek another term.
For information on state-related issues:
Contact: Charles Hoslet, director, state relations, 263-5510,