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Campus police honor six for help, service to community

April 6, 1999 By

Six civilians received 1998 director’s awards from the University Police Department at its annual awards ceremony in March:

  • Jeffrey Savoy, network investigator for the Division of Information Technology, was recognized for his assistance in solving a major computer hacking case, which resulted in the conviction last month of a former UW–Madison student. Savoy, who aids police in many computer crime investigations, is affectionately known as “”
  • Student Brett Hubbard helped nab a suspect who had been making harassing, sexually explicit phone calls to female students in the Southeast residence halls. When she became his victim, Hubbard had the presence of mind to keep him on the line until the call could be traced. His arrest and conviction brought a series of cases to a close.
  • Robert “Buzz” Holland intervened in a violent, life-threatening altercation between two men in the Memorial Union hallway last June. One of the men had wrapped a phone cord around the other’s neck. Holland put himself at risk to stop the attack before a strangulation occurred.
  • John Molski, manager of the Tile Center store in Janesville, aided the department in recovering a large quantity of ceramic tiles stolen from the Kohl Center construction site.
  • Custodian Jeffrey San Miguel interrupted several individuals who were attempting to break into vending machines at the Engineering Research Building. San Miguel gave police good descriptions of the suspects and their direction of travel, and they were quickly apprehended. He also testified in court, helping to win a conviction.
  • University Housing employee Larry Millard was honored for documenting and reporting suspicious behavior in the residence halls. This winter, Millard’s observations helped police catch two suspects in a series of residence hall burglaries.