Campus invited to conduct rules forum
The University of Wisconsin–Madison Offices of the Dean of Students will hold a public comment forum on UW System’s proposed changes to state rules regarding student conduct and conduct on university property.
The session, open to the entire campus community, will be held from 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, March 4 in 1651 Humanities. Dean of Students Lori Berquam and Associate Dean Kevin Helmkamp will attend to hear community views.
The primary goal of the proposed changes is to provide clearer guidelines for students, student affairs administrators, UW police officers, security personnel, employees and visitors.
The process for reviewing two chapters of the Wisconsin Administrative Code began in February 2007, led by a UW System committee including campus representatives and students.
The committee was charged with identifying improvements to Chapters UWS 17 and UWS 18. Chapter UWS 17 addresses conduct of UW System students, while Chapter UWS 18 regulates conduct on university lands by students and non-students alike.
The committee expects to present its recommendations to the UW System Board of Regents in April 2008. After the initial recommendations are approved by the Regents, state rules call for them to be sent to the state Legislative Council for review, followed by a university-sponsored public hearing.
The Board of Regents will then consider final recommendations and submit new rules to the Legislature for final approval. This final step provides an opportunity for state elected leaders to hold additional public hearings on the matter.
The final rules take effect only after the entire state rulemaking process is complete. The last major revision of both chapters occurred in 1996.
Members of the UW–Madison community are also invited to also log their views online.
Tags: student life