Campus events respond to cartoon controversy
Two campus events have been organized to respond to the Badger Herald’s decision to reprint Danish newspaper cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist figure.
The Offices of the Dean of Students will hold a panel discussion about the issue at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 21, in 272 Bascom Hall. Interim Dean of Students Lori Berquam will help moderate a group of students and faculty concerned about the issue as it relates to Madison and the larger world.
The panel is expected to include Mac VerStandig, editor-in-chief of the Badger Herald; Mir Babar Basir, president of the Muslim Students Association; Kemal Karpat, a history professor and Islam expert; representatives of the Daily Cardinal; a journalism professor and other panelists yet to be announced.
From 9 a.m.-4 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 22, the MSA will hold its own educational event called “Campaign for Truth: The Life of Muhammad.” The event will be held in Tripp Commons in Memorial Union.
The events will include seven stations with posters and information about the Prophet Muhammad and Islam, as well as a short movie.
Both events are free and open to the public.