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Campus bus routes change Monday, Feb. 8; ride free Feb. 7-13

February 1, 1999

Campus transportation officials and Madison Metro are gearing up for changes to the weekday campus bus routes that begin this month.

Madison Metro’s L (UW Campus) Line will be revamped into the Red, Blue and Green campus bus routes starting Feb. 8. The Red route will provide 20-minute circulator service between Memorial Union, Union South and the Southeast dorms via Bascom Hill, Dayton Street and Lake Street from roughly 7 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

The Blue route will provide direct service between Eagle Heights and Memorial Union via Union South at 10-minute intervals. The Green route will provide direct service between the Clinical Science Center and Memorial Union via Union South at 20-minute intervals. Fares will not change for any of the new routes.

To promote and celebrate the campus bus route restructuring, Transportation Services is sponsoring Free Campus Bus Week Feb. 7-13. UW- Madison students, faculty and staff can ride the buses for free that week by showing bus drivers their university ID cards.

New bus schedules will be available Monday, Feb. 1, and can be picked up on campus buses; at Transportation Services, 124 WARF Office Building, 610 Walnut St; and at the Visitor Information Place in the Memorial Union. Weekend and evening campus bus routes will not change and will be referred to on new bus schedules as the Combined Route.

Fliers advertising the route changes will be posted on buses and at various campus locations, and Madison Metro ads announcing the route restructuring will be published in the UW–Madison student newspapers during the weeks of Feb. 1 and Feb. 8.

Information about the changes also can be accessed by visiting:, or Madison Metro’s web site at: