Campus bus routes adjust for season
Route 80 campus buses returned to eight-minute service intervals on March 1. An extra bus had been added to the route for the period of November through February to help alleviate overcrowding.
“The worst winter weather — cold and snow — occurs during those months,” says Renee Callaway of Transportation Services. She says that although March weather also can be unpredictable, the extra bus was funded only through February.
Campus bus riders also should note that buses would be on recess service during spring break week, Monday, March 21-Friday, March 25, which means they will run only every 15 minutes.
Regular service will resume Monday, March 28, and continue through final exam week. Summer recess service will begin Monday, May 16, and continue through Sept. 1.
“As part of the campus master planning process, we are looking at a wide array of campus bus routes that would address both the issues of overcrowding and timing,” says Callaway.