Calendar Highlights
Union galleries offer three shows
The Wisconsin Union galleries in the Memorial Union are presenting three shows:
In “Sometimes I Paint,” Keith Huie describes the motivation behind his acrylic paintings: “Sometimes I’m mad. Sometimes I’m not. I take a nap almost every day. I like to write. I like to draw too… Sometimes I paint. It’s a pretty good life.” Theater Gallery through Dec. 22.
In “The Fragile Self Revealed, or, My Drawing 101 Assignment,” undergraduate students contribute self-portraits — an array of personalities, attitudes and ideas. Class of 1925 Gallery through Dec. 16.
In “POP,” Dusty Herbig’s work explores the population explosion of the 20th century. Porter Butts Gallery through Dec. 22.
The galleries are open daily, 10 a.m.- 8 p.m.
Cropper: architecture as metaphor
The work of Wisconsin artist Amy Cropper is on display at the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 1922 University Ave. The imagery in Cropper’s new paintings and sculptures reflects her interest in architectural spaces she considers sacred and timeless. She uses ladders, niches and arches as metaphor and structure in mixed media drawings and three-dimensional wall pieces, describing them as “symbols of the human endeavor to climb through.” The exhibit continues through Dec. 30. Information: 263-1692;
Conference explores career development
“Learning to Work… Working to Learn,” sponsored by the Center on Education and Work, will provide a national forum for educators, counselors and others to gather innovative ideas about career development. Conference organizers cite lifelong career development, technology, school-to-career issues and more as key agenda items for the conference, scheduled for Jan. 27-29.
“The conference is a way of fulfilling part of (the School of Education’s) mission to advance knowledge regarding education and career, and helping to prepare students and employees for the world of work,” says Carol Edds, center staff outreach specialist and one of the conference organizers.
In addition to attending workshops with national experts, participants can tour exemplary workplaces, gaining firsthand insight into why students and clients seek employers such as Harley-Davidson Motor Company in Milwaukee, General Motors in Janesville, and Madison’s Henry Vilas Zoo and St. Marys Hospital.
Location: Marriott Madison-West Hotel. Cost: $289-339. Information: 263-3696; Email:; or see the web site at