Bowlers battle colon cancer
Dane County-area bowlers will take on the number two cause of cancer death on Sunday, March 7, at the Third Annual Bowlin’ for Colons to raise money for colon cancer research at the UW Comprehensive Cancer Center.
“Colon cancer research receives significantly less funding than breast or prostate cancer, even though it causes more deaths,” says James P. Thomas, an assistant professor and medical oncologist who specializes in colon cancer treatment and research. “The University of Wisconsin has a great track record of adapting cancer discoveries to disease-specific treatments. We need additional funding to create and evaluate new treatments for colon cancer.”
Colon cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the United States with more than 150,000 new cases of colon and rectal cancer diagnosed each year.
Two sessions – 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 1:30-3:30 p.m. – will be held at three Madison locations on March 7:
- Schwoegler’s Park Towne Lanes, 444 Grand Canyon Drive
- Bowl-A-Vard, 2121 E. Springs Drive
- Badger Bowl, 506 E. Badger Road
Prizes will be awarded for high scores and most money raised at all three bowling locations. To reserve a lane, call (608) 263-1677 by Feb. 27.
Those who cannot participate but wish to contribute can send a check to: Bowlin’ for Colons, UW Comprehensive Cancer Center, 600 Highland Ave., K4/658, Madison, WI 53792-6164. Checks can be made payable to UWF-GI Research.
The UW Comprehensive Cancer Center is the only comprehensive cancer center in Wisconsin, as designated by the National Cancer Institute. The Cancer Center brings together the research efforts of more than 230 faculty on the UW–Madison campus. Annually, more than 15,000 patients are seen at the Cancer Center-UW Hospital and Clinics for diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care or second opinions.