Generalized Anxiety Disorder Study
John Marshall is recruiting men and women to participate for a medication research study of generalized anxiety disorder. Study participation involves coming into the clinic for visits and taking the study medication on a daily basis. The study medication is investigational. It is being tested to determine whether it reduces symptoms, and to assess safety and tolerability. Some symptoms are excessive worry (about things you know you shouldn’t worry about); worrying about worrying too much; feeling restless or keyed up; difficulty concentrating; and problems sleeping. All study procedures are provided at no cost. Travel reimbursement is available. Information: Heather at;
Subjects Sought for Study
John Marshall, professor of psychiatry, is recruiting subjects for a medication study. Participants must be experiencing recurrent depression symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, lack of motivation and changes in appetite. Information: 263-6171,
Children Wanted for Voice Study
The Department of Surgery is looking for participants for a study to develop a questionnaire for evaluating hoarse voices in children and teenagers, aged 2-18. No medications will be dispensed and no medical procedures will be performed. Children and parents or guardians will meet with the researchers for a 30-minute interview. Participants will be compensated with a McDonald’s coupon. If interested, e-mail telephone number to:
Exercise and Breast Cancer Study
Lisa Sanborn, kinesiology, is seeking volunteers for an exercise study looking at physical activity and physical fitness levels. The study involves three visits to the UW Sports Medicine Fitness Center and includes a diagnostic exercise test. Breast cancer survivors should be 50-69 years of age, post-menopausal, diagnosed with stage I-III breast cancer, be at least three months post-treatment but not more than two years post-treatment, free from cardiovascular disease and free from any orthopedic problems. Information: 263-0854,
Nominations in Humanities Sought
Nominations are being accepted for the annual Governor’s Humanities Awards, which honor Wisconsin’s top achievements in cultural programming. The Wisconsin Humanities Council and the Center for the Humanities at UW–Madison are inviting nominations for 2003. Nominations are being sought for excellence in each of four award categories: K-12 humanities education, public humanities programming, public humanities support and public humanities scholarship. Anyone can nominate an individual or program, and nominations are due Friday, Jan. 31. Information: 262-0706;
Headache-Medication Study
A research group at the Medical School is testing a medication approved for migraine headaches to treat a related (but not identical) type of headache. The study requires one initial screening visit, completion of some brief questionnaires and one follow-up visit. Those involved in the study are eligible for modest financial compensation. The study is a randomized, double-blind study taking place at nearly 100 clinics around the nation, including at UW Hospital and Clinics. People with certain medical conditions or who are taking certain medications are not eligible. Those who do enroll in the study will be randomly assigned to receive a dosage of the medication or a placebo (an inactive pill). Neither the study staff nor the participants will know which treatment has been given, unless the study physician needs to find out for medical reasons. Those who are interested in participating should call UW Neurology Clinical Research Center, 262-7175.
UW Foundation Position Available
The UW Foundation has a position posted for a development director to seek philanthropic support on behalf of the Graduate School, focusing on the Waisman Center, Institute on Aging, University of Wisconsin Press and other Graduate School initiatives as determined by the dean. If you might have the right combination of talent, passion, experience and commitment to research, check out the job posting on the UW Foundation Web site at