Exercise Study for Breast Cancer Survivors
Lisa Sanborn, kinesiology, is seeking volunteers for an exercise study looking at physical activity and physical fitness levels. The study involves three visits to the UW Sports Medicine Fitness Center and includes a diagnostic exercise test. Breast cancer survivors should be 50-69 years of age, post-menopausal, diagnosed with stage I-III breast cancer, be at least three months post-treatment but not more than two years post-treatment, free from cardiovascular disease, and free from any orthopedic problems. Information: 263-0854,
Looking for Scrabble Experts to Participate in Research
Researchers in the Language and Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory in the Department of Psychology are seeking to recruit expert, tournament-level Scrabble players for studies of reading and spelling, and their brain bases. Participants will be paid. If you are a moderate-to-highly ranked player, please contact M.S. Seidenberg,
Alternative Testing Procedure for Students with Disabilities
The Testing and Evaluation Office has developed a new Web-based procedure for requesting assistance through its office with proctoring exams for students with disabilities. This change only applies to exams administered by the Testing and Evaluation Office. This change does not affect exams administered by the faculty or department, which is about 80 percent of all course exams. Formerly, faculty who were unable to proctor students themselves because they could not provide specialized equipment or other accommodations in the department were asked to sign a four-ply form to request T and E’s assistance. This form will no longer be used. Students will continue to first meet with faculty to discuss exam accommodation requests. Under the new procedure, if faculty cannot provide specialized accommodations in the department, the student will complete Tand E’s Web-based request form. Student requests are then forwarded to the faculty via e-mail for final approval. Faculty must approve the request at least five days before the exam date for T and E to proctor the exam. Additional information is available on T and E’s Web site at Questions about the new procedure can be directed to B.A. Scheuers,, 263-2747.
Academic Staff Needs You
People interested in serving on the Academic Staff Assembly’s Nominating Committee should contact the Secretary of the Academic Staff, Colleen McCabe at Those interested in serving on the Academic Staff Executive, the Compensation and Economic Benefits, Districting and Representation, Personnel Policies and Procedures, or the Professional Development and Recognition committees should contact Karen For information on Academic Staff governance committees, see For information on university committees, go to: