Lectures Committee seeks applications
The Lectures Committee is soliciting applications from departments, academic programs and registered student organizations for support of public lectures to be given during the 2004-2005 academic year. The committee considers requests for lectures of general interest that are not primarily extensions of exsisting programs.
To be considered by the committee, applications must conform to specifications in the “Policies and Guidelines for Requesting Lectures Committee Support,” available at lectures/lectcomm, or by calling 262-3956 to request a paper copy.
New applications will be reviewed by the committee once each month.
For a lecture date
on or before (application is due)
Feb. 1, 2005 (Dec. 15, 2004)
March 1 (Jan. 15, 2005)
April 1 (Feb. 15)
May 1 (March 15)
June 1 (April 15)
Applications will be accepted as long as funds are available. For information, contact Joe Farrenkopf at or 262-3956.
Compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act
Standards of Conduct: In a good faith effort to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989, the University of Wisconsin System and the UW–Madison prohibit the unlawful possession, use, distribution, manufacture or dispensing of illicit drugs (“controlled substances” as defined in Ch. 161, Wis. Stat.), in accordance with s. UWS 1810, Wis. Adm. Code, by employees on University property or as part of University activities. The use or possession of alcoholic beverages also is prohibited on University premises, except in faculty and staff housing and as expressly permitted by the chief administrative officer or under institutional regulations, in accordance s. UWS 18.06 (13) (b), Wis. Adm. Code. Without exception, alcohol consumption is governed by Wisconsin statutory age restrictions under s. UWS 18.06 (13) (b), Wis. Adm. Code.
Legal Sanctions: The laws of Wisconsin prohibit drug possession and delivery through the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, Wis. Stat. 161, and mandate stiff penalties that include up to 15 years of prison and fines up to $500,000. A person with a first-time conviction of possession of a controlled substance can be sentenced up to one year of prison and fined up to $5,000, Wis. Stat. 161.41 (2r) (b). The penalties vary according to the amount of drug confiscated, the type of drug found, the number of previous offenses by the individual and whether the individual intended to manufacture the drug, sell the drug or use the drug. (See Wis. Stat. 161.41.) In addition to the stringent penalties for possession or delivery, the sentences can be doubled when exacerbating factors are present, such as when a person distributes a controlled substance to a minor, Wis. Stat. 161.46 (1).
Substantial restrictions against alcohol abuse also exist in Wisconsin. It is against the law to sell alcohol to anyone who has not reached the legal drinking age of 21, and there is a concurrent duty on the part of an adult to prevent the illegal consumption of alcohol on his/her premises, Wis. Stat.125.07 (1) (a) (1). Violation of this statute can result in a $500 fine. It is against the law for an underage person to attempt to buy an alcoholic beverage, falsely represent his/her age or enter a licensed premises. Violators of this law can be fined $500, ordered to participate in a supervised work program and have their driver’s license suspended, Wis. Stat. 125.07(4) (3). Harsher penalties exist for the retailers of alcoholic beverages who violate it, including up to 90 days in jail and revocation of their retail liquor permit.
The federal government has recently revised the penalties against drug possession and trafficking through its Federal Sentencing Guidelines. These guidelines reduce the discretion that federal judges may use in sentencing offenders of federal drug statutes. Under these guidelines, courts can sentence a person for up to six years for unlawful possession of a controlled substance, including the distribution of a small amount (less than 250 grams of marijuana). A sentence of life imprisonment can result from a conviction of possession of a controlled substance that results in death or bodily injury. Possession of more than 5 grams of cocaine can trigger an intent to distribute penalty of 10-16 years in prison, U.S.S.G, s. 2D2.1 (b) (1).
Health risks: Drugs at work are a hidden habit, but they have visible effects on the user. Whether the drug of choice is alcohol, marijuana, a prescription drug or cocaine, the habit can lead to a change in work habits. Some people may believe that drugs are harmless or even helpful. The truth is that drugs can have very serious, long-term physical and emotional health effects. And if drugs are mixed, the impact is even more detrimental. The following is a partial list of drugs often found in the work place and some of the consequences of their use. Only some of the known health risks are covered, and not all legal or illegal drugs are included.
Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance in the work place. It can lead to poor judgment and coordination, drowsiness and mood swings, liver damage and heart disease.
Marijuana is an addictive drug, although many still believe that it is harmless. It can cause short-term memory impairment, slowed reaction time, lung disease and infertility.
While cocaine and crack can speed up performance, their effects are short-lived. More lasting risks are short attention span, irritability and depression, seizure and heart attack.
Prescription drugs are often used to reduce stress. If abused, they can lead to sluggishness or hyperactivity, impaired reflexes, addiction and brain damage.
Other drugs, such as PCP, LSD, heroin, mescaline and morphine, have a wide variety of negative health effects — from hallucinations and mental confusion to convulsions and death.
Discipline: University employees will be subject to disciplinary sanctions, including termination of employment, for violation of these provisions occurring on University property or the work site or during work time. In addition to discipline, or in lieu of it, employees may be referred to appropriate counseling or treatment programs. Disciplinary sanctions are initiated and imposed in accordance with applicable procedural requirements and work rules, as set forth in Wisconsin statutes, administrative rules, faculty and academic staff policies, and collective bargaining agreements. Referral for prosecution under criminal law is also possible. Further, violations of ss.UWS 1806 (13) and 18.10. Wis. Adm. Code may result in additional penalties as allowed under Ch. UWS 18, Wis. Adm. Code.
Employees convicted of any criminal drug statute violation occurring in the work place must notify their dean, director or department chair within five days of the conviction if they are employed by the University at the time of the conviction.
Employee Assistance Office: Employees who have problems with alcohol or controlled substances are encouraged to contact the Employee Assistance Office. (Contact EAO for a copy the Confidentiality Policy).
The Employee Assistance Office is located at 610 Langdon St., Room 526 Lowell Center, 263-2987, (265-3398 (fax), 265-8460 (TDD). The EA Web site is located at The director is Stephen R. Pearson.
Summary: All employees, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to help make the University a drug-free work place. You can do this by learning about substance abuse (its dangers and warning signs), encouraging others to avoid substance abuse, and getting help if you need it — either for yourself or for someone you are concerned about.
Conflicts of Interest Notice
No classified employee may solicit or accept from any person or organization, directly or indirectly, money or anything of value if it could reasonably be expected to influence such employee’s official actions or judgment, or could reasonably be considered as a reward for any official action or inaction on the part of the employee. Faculty, limited term employees and academic staff have similar obligations under UW System and are asked annually to report their outside activities.
Open position for School of Education dean
The School of Education Dean Search and Screen Committee is inviting nominations and applications for the position of dean of the School of Education. The school, consistently ranked among the top in the nation, includes eight departments, two academic programs, extensive research components and three major research centers. It has an annual budget of nearly $65 million, and includes 165 faculty, 320 academic staff, 1,200 graduate students and 2,400 undergraduates. The dean, who reports to the chancellor and the provost, serves as the chief academic and executive officer of the school, with responsibilities in the areas of staffing, budget, curriculum, student academic affairs and space.
Major qualifications for this position include a successful record of administrative leadership in higher education; a commitment to advance the quality of undergraduate and graduate instruction; research, public service and outreach activities; strong management, communication and fund-raising skills; the capacity to relate effectively to faculty, staff, students and external constituents; a demonstrated commitment to increase the diversity of students, faculty and staff, to equal employment opportunity, affirmative action and non-discriminatory practices, and to fostering an inclusive climate; a commitment to public service through dissemination of research, promoting the state’s economic development, and supporting the K-12 school community and the Wisconsin Idea; an understanding and appreciation of the diverse missions and constituencies of a major public research university; demonstrated ability to work effectively in an environment of shared governance; responsiveness to the instructional and research needs of other schools/colleges; ability to represent the school and university effectively in educational, governmental, business, alumni, and public forums; and nationally recognized accomplishments that meet the standards for tenure and appointment at the rank of full professor at UW–Madison.
Applications and nominations must be received by Jan. 14, 2005. Later applications and nominations may also be considered. The committee particularly encourages women and persons of underrepresented groups to apply. Applicants should include a current curriculum vita and a comprehensive cover letter that addresses how their strengths and experience match the qualifications for the position, and what they see as challenges and opportunities of the position, as well as the names, addresses, e-mails and telephone numbers of five references. Candidates will be consulted before references are contacted. Please note that in accordance with Wisconsin statutes the names of nominees and applicants who explicitly request confidentiality will not be made public. However, the university is required to release the names and titles of the finalists, who will be interviewed by the chancellor. Submit applications and nominations to Leonard Abbeduto, School of Education Dean Search and Screen Committee, 133 Bascom Hall, 500 Lincoln Dr., Madison, WI 53706. Fax to (608) 265-7806 or e-mail
Schizophrenia research study
Men and women between 18 and 65 years old are needed to participate in a clinical research study of an investigational drug in the treatment of schizophrenia. Subjects will receive either study medicine or placebo. Volunteers must be diagnosed with schizophrenia and must be able to consent to participation in a clinical study before beginning any study-related activities. All office visits, medical evaluations and study medications related to this study will be provided at no cost to patients. For more information about this study, contact Jay at 263-6171,, or visit
Call for nominations for teaching awards
Faculty members, departments and student organizations are invited to submit nominations of faculty members whose teaching is of such quality that it merits recognition and award. The committee encourages the nomination of any exceptional distinguished teacher, regardless of specialty or rank. Twelve outstanding teachers received awards in the spring of 2004.
There are 10 UW–Madison faculty distinguished teaching awards: six Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Awards; the Class of 1955 Teaching Excellence Award, which was new in 2004 and is designated for an instructor, assistant or associate professor; the William H. Kiekhofer Teaching Award, which is designated for a College of Letters and Science assistant professor or associate professor; the Emil Steiger Teaching Award; and the Van Hise Outreach Teaching Award created to recognize excellence in outreach teaching. Nominations for a specific award should be indicated in the chair’s letter.
Nominations for all UW–Madison awards, except those for the Van Hise Outreach Award, should meet the requirements outlined in the Nominating Procedures for the Distinguished Teaching Award. Van Hise Outreach Award nominations should meet the requirements outlined in the Nominating Procedures for the Van Hise Outreach Award.
As part of its review process, the Committee on Distinguished Teaching Awards selects from the nominations it receives those faculty who will be considered for UW System awards. This year the committee will select one nomination for the Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Award and one nomination for the Regents Teaching Excellence Award. The committee will notify the nominating department should its nominee be selected as a nomination for a UW System award, and whether any additional information is needed to satisfy the system’s requirements.
All nominations for faculty teaching awards have a submission deadline of Friday, Jan. 28, 2005, and should be delivered to the Committee on Distinguished Teaching Awards, Office of the Secretary of the Faculty, 130 Bascom Hall. For more information, contact Patrick McBride at 262-7713 or Paula Gray at 262-3958.
Continuing Studies offers trip to Spain
The Division of Continuing Studies is offering an educational travel program to Spain Jan. 4-14, 2005. The tour is led by two natives of Spain, Antonion Noguera, who teaches Spanish classes in continuing studies, and Araceli Alonson, who teaches anthropology and women’s studies at UW–Madison. The program, “The Spanish Route of Picasso,” focuses on Spanish Cubist painter Pablo Picasso. The tour is scheduled to include a visit to Malaga, where the artist was born; Barcelona, where he completed the Academy of Fine Arts; and Madrid, where Picasso did further study. Participants will visit the extensive collections of Picasso paintings in these three cities as well as the places that strongly influenced the artist’s personality. The program costs $2,973 and is open to everyone. The price includes transportation in luxury motor coach, daily breakfasts, some lunches and dinners, tours, and instruction in basic Spanish for travelers. For more information, call Noguera at 262-5929, email or view the itinerary at
Online short courses offered
These six-week courses begin every month. Choose from the following categories: Computer usage including digital photography and computer programming; languages; writing and publishing; entertainment; industry careers; grant writing and nonprofit management; business planning and entrepreneurial courses; sales and marketing; accounting; family and personal enrichment; art; history; psychology; literature; math; philosophy; science; law and legal careers; and courses for teaching professionals,
Course demonstration at Six-week courses start at $79. Information: 265-5221,
Holiday decoration policy
Holiday decorations of a religious nature may be displayed by employees in their own personal work space, without being considered an impermissible “establishment of religion.” Such personal displays would be protected by the First Amendment under its “freedom of religion” provision.
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Legal and Executive Affairs recommends that employees be sensitive with respect to the display’s location and size, especially when the employee’s personal work space is located in reception areas where there may be numerous visitors.
With respect to departmental or institutional decorations, it is more appropriate to use decorations that have a secular meaning. It also would be permissible to create multicultural displays or displays that include the various religions that celebrate holidays at this time of year, as long as the dominant theme or character of the display is secular.
For questions or concerns, contact Administrative Legal Services for assistance at 263-7400.
International programs seeks seminar proposals
International Academic Programs (IAP) is seeking proposals for innovative short-term, faculty-led international seminars to take place during over winter break in December 2005-January 2006 or summer 2006.
The International Seminars initiative is intended to create new opportunities for UW–Madison students to receive a structured academic experience overseas under the direction of faculty.
During the seminars, students will engage in a combination of formal instruction, fieldwork, cultural activities, excursions and self-directed learning. Nine programs are under way or planned for the current academic year.
Faculty members are encouraged to design and propose their own programs for the future as a way to pursue areas of specialty or interest, make contacts and conduct research.
Complete proposals for programs in the 2005-2006 academic year are due to IAP by Monday, Dec. 20. Program development will begin immediately after a seminar is selected for implementation and will be completed six months before the seminar begins.
For more information about preparing a proposal for an International Seminar, visit or contact Steven Duke in IAP at 261-1020 or
Inclement Weather Policy
In the event severe weather strikes, the chancellor has the authority to cancel classes, close the campus to the public, or completely close the campus to the public and employees. This authority arises from UW System standing as an independent agency of the state and the general delegated authority from the Board of Regents and the System president for the administration and operation of the institution. However, it has been the state’s policy to keep state offices open for employees even when severe weather causes state offices to be closed to the public.
Although the decision to close offices rests with the chancellor, the impact of the decision on classified staff is governed by state collective bargaining agreements and civil service law. Unclassified personnel policies govern the treatment of faculty and academic staff in the event severe weather causes the disruption or cancellation of work.
Inclement Weather Guidelines for Classified Employees
The chancellor is responsible for determining if, for the safety and welfare of students and staff, classes will be postponed or some services suspended due to inclement weather. Some university services and functions must remain in operation regardless of weather conditions, e.g. University Housing, UW Police and power plant operations.
The chancellor will make a decision about cancellation of late afternoon and evening classes by 2:30 p.m.
University Communications staff will work with the chancellor in providing appropriate announcements to the local media and the Campus Information and Visitor Center. Announcements also will be posted at
Deans and directors should receive authorization from the Office of the Chancellor before directing employees not to report for work or sending employees home. Unless directed otherwise, employees are expected to report to work as scheduled. Each employee is expected to use discretion in determining if travel is safe. An employee who reasonably determines that travel would not be safe will not be subject to discipline for not reporting to work. Supervisors are expected to honor the reasonable requests of employees to arrive late or to leave early because of inclement weather. Employees are expected to make a reasonable effort to notify their supervisors if they cannot report to work or will report late.
Employees who are absent from work because of the inclement weather normally must use available annual leave (vacation), available holidays, leave without pay, or when appropriate, accrued compensatory time to cover the absence or must arrange with the supervisor to make up the time. Employees not exempt for overtime must account for each hour of scheduled duty. Employees exempt from overtime may account for their time in a manner consistent with their responsibilities, as approved by their supervisor.
If represented classified employees are directed not to report or are sent home, they will be treated in accordance with the terms of their respective collective bargaining agreements. (Note: At this time some collective bargaining agreements provide that the employee will be compensated as if the time were worked when the employer directs employees to leave work or not to report to work.) All employees not covered by collective bargaining agreements who are directed not to report or are sent home will normally be treated as follows:
Classified (non-exempt from overtime)
These employees may use available annual leave (vacation), accrued compensatory time, available holidays, or leave without pay to cover each hour absent. Non-exempt employees must account for each hour of employment. If an employee’s supervisor determines that the work unit can benefit from services provided by the employee at other than regularly scheduled times, the employee will be allowed to make up, during the remainder of the work week, as much of the time as is beneficial to the work unit.
Classified (exempt from overtime)
These employees may use available annual leave (vacation), available holidays, leave without pay or when appropriate, compensatory time to cover the absence. An employee and his/her supervisor may agree that the employee may account for the time of the absences in another manner consistent with the exempt nature of the employee’s work assignment.