Bike Annex Open on Campus
As an extension of the Bucky’s Ambassadors outreach campaign, Transportation Services has opened a community bike workspace on west campus. At the Bike Annex, students and staff can do basic repair of their bikes with guidance from the Ambassadors and other community members. Professional-quality tools are available to check out with a university ID.
Located in parking lot 60, the Annex is easily accessible off of Walnut Street and the Lakeshore Path. Hours are Mondays, 1-4 p.m., and Thursdays, 4-8 p.m., through Thursday, May 13.
Information and summer hours: bicycle and pedestrian coordinator, 263-2969; or
Sports Medicine Classes
Open registration for UW Health Sports Medicine summer classes will begin Monday, May 24, at 5:45 a.m. at the UW Hospital Clinic Research Park, 621 Science Drive. Summer classes begin Monday, June 14, and continue through Sunday, Aug. 22. 263-7936 or
Division of Continuing Studies Summer University Forums
Two university summer forums are scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7. Both are open to the public and free to registered students for one or three credits.
“Visions of Human Potential” is offered in conjunction with the School of Human Ecology’s 100th anniversary and is scheduled June 15-July 8.
This forum looks at complex relationships of humans and their everyday environments.
Topics include financial planning and giving back, restoring and valuing historical places, and building healthy communities and families. The program includes a visit to the quilt exhibit at the Elvehjem Museum of Art.
“A Century of Life Sciences Research at Wisconsin” is coordinated by the Department of Biochemistry and is scheduled July 13-Aug. 5. The program examines breakthroughs in vitamins, warfarin and blood clotting, metabolism of fats, the chemical synthesis of DNA and more. The forum includes hands-on introductions to early scientific instruments.
Information: Division of Continuing Studies,; 262-1156; or Susan Disch,
Professional Development Grants Available for Classified Staff
Permanent, non-represented classified staff with 50 percent appointments or more can compete for professional development grants for conferences, training or other professional development activities that occur Sept. 1-Dec. 30.
Sponsored and administered by the Council for Non-represented Classified Staff, the program’s main objectives are individual professional development, improved program quality, improved institutional effectiveness and/or design for diversity. Half of the funding for projects comes from the staff members’ departments.
Applications must be submitted to department chairs or directors for approval and forwarded to the dean/directors office in time to send them to Classified Human Resources, Room 230, Peterson Building by Tuesday, June 15.
Information and application:, 262-3233.