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March 30, 2004

Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters Fellows
The Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters is accepting nominations for fellows. The deadline is Saturday, April 10. For information and to download a nomination form: Send materials to: Fellows Committee, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters, 1922 University Ave.

Postpartum Depression Study
Roseanne Clark, Medical School, is conducting a National Institute of Mental Health-funded study comparing two therapeutic treatments for mothers with major depression during the postpartum period. Information: Kathleen Hipke, 263-5000;

Stop-Smoking Medication Tested
The Medical School’s Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention is looking for about 100 smokers

who want to quit and are willing to help test a stop-smoking medication. Participants receive the experimental medication. They will be asked to attend several sessions and then participate in follow up for seven months. To volunteer, call (877) END-CIGS (363-2447). The study is being conducted at CTRI offices at 1930 Monroe St., Suite 200.

Psychology Study Needs Participants
A study of cognitive and emotional functioning in adults ages 25-60 is being conducted in the PATHS Lab at the psychology department. This study explores the ways personality factors affect performance on behavioral tasks. Participation involves completing questionnaires, performing computerized tasks and undergoing a confidential interview. A brief phone screening is required. Testing involves one session of two and a half to three hours. Qualifying participants receive $35. Information: Christie Matts, 263-2791,

Lectures Committee
The Lectures Committee is soliciting applications from departments, academic programs and registered student organizations for support of public lectures. Applications will be accepted as long as funds are available. For information, contact Joe Farrenkopf,, 262-3956.

For lecture date June 1, application deadline is April 15.