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Advisers to convene in March

February 28, 2003 By Barbara Wolff

Advisers from across the Upper Midwest and Canada will gather at UW–Madison on Sunday-Tuesday, March 23-25, to examine the critical role they play in the development and success of their students.

Indeed, the conference theme this year, “Allies for Success,” will underscore the responsibility that advisers have to stay sharp for the good of their students, according to Rebecca Ryan, an adviser with the UW-Madison Cross-College Advising Service for undeclared majors.

UW–Madison has emerged as a national leader in advising through such initiatives as the CCAS, opening advising offices in residence halls and learning communities, summer advising and registration program for new students, and leadership in adviser training and development, Ryan says.

Ryan says that the discussion will illustrate how excellent advising becomes a crucial factor in such campus initiatives as diversity and retention of people of color.

The keynote speaker will be Sandy White Hawk (Sicangu Lakota), who has been instrumental in helping Indian children adopted out of their birth families reconnect with them.

“Her work in reuniting Native adoptees with their home communities shows what a vital role allies — people who are on your side and help you — can play in our lives,” Ryan says. “Effective allies can be an important resource in helping students maximize their ability to achieve success in education and in life.”

Edgewood College and Madison Area Technical College are other partners in the event. For more information on the conference, or for registration materials, check the MATC Web site,