Linden Drive closure and traffic detours
Linden Drive will be closed for utility and road repairs between Elm Drive and Charter Street for three weeks, Monday, May 15-Monday, June 5. During that time, all buses and regular traffic will be detoured to Observatory Drive. Linden Drive will be open for two-way local traffic only (to parking lots and for deliveries) between Charter Street and the Hygiene Lab and Henry Mall. Also, one-way, westbound local traffic will be permitted on Babcock Drive from University Avenue for people parking in Lot 40 and for deliveries to Babcock Hall only. These motorists may proceed south of Babcock Hall and then back on to Linden Drive to Elm Drive and points west. No eastbound traffic will be permitted on Linden Drive between Elm Drive and Henry Mall. Pedestrian access will be maintained through the area to all buildings although detours should be expected.