Conference examines emerging housing markets
The 2006 Wisconsin Housing Conference, to be held on Friday, May 12, will focus on one of today’s hottest housing topics: emerging housing markets.
The conference is held each spring to focus public attention on issues relating to quality housing and neighborhoods in Wisconsin. It features government officials, housing professionals and academics who have devoted thought and research to housing issues. John Markowski, commissioner of the city of Chicago’s Department of Housing, will be the keynote speaker.
The conference is co-sponsored by the University of Wisconsin–Madison Center for Real Estate, the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority and the State of Wisconsin Department of Commerce, Bureau of Housing and Community Development.
“Emerging Housing Markets: Opportunities and Challenges in the Next Decade” will be held at UW–Madison’s Fluno Center, 601 University Ave. Cost to attend the conference is $85. To receive a conference brochure or for more information, contact Lee Gottschalk at (608) 265-2032 or