Five Questions With…
Greg Burnham is a research assistant for the Center for Meat Process Validation (CMPV), and he’s also a graduate student in the Department of Food Science. The center provides support to Wisconsin meat processors through UW-Extension.
1. How long have you worked for and gone to school at UW–Madison?
I began my academic program in the fall of 2004.
2. What made you want to work and go to school at UW–Madison?
The food science department ranks in the top 10 of food science degree programs in the nation. I was born and raised in Superior, so I guess there was some state loyalty involved in my decision also.
3. What has made you want to continue working at UW–Madison? What do you like about your job?
I work with a great group of people who all share the same desire to help local processors while protecting the public health in offering sound microbiological advice though our extension work. The work that we do is rewarding, not to mention that one project we are working on has great industry potential. It will be nice to see it evolve into a dynamic pathogen growth prediction tool.
4. What is your favorite memory of UW–Madison?
For now, it has to be when I was accepted into my current program. I have made considerable progress in a short time, and it’s nice to know others appreciate my efforts.
5. What is your favorite place on campus?
Without doubt, my favorite place on campus is the Memorial Union Terrace. It is a great place to meet friends, see local musicians and enjoy the sunset over Lake Mendota. I am there most every Thursday night at the Hoofers’ Scuba Club social.