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Tom Kuech joins UW–Madison ombuds Dec. 1

December 1, 2022

Emeritus Professor Thomas Kuech has been appointed as a University of Wisconsin–Madison ombuds, according to Provost Karl Scholz. He will begin his three-year term on Dec. 1.

The Ombuds Office is a safe place where UW–Madison employees can seek guidance regarding workplace concerns at any time without fear of reprisal and at no cost to them. Ombuds provide faculty and staff with a confidential place to collaboratively explore complaints, clarify issues and consider options and resources to address their concerns. Ombuds are impartial and non-aligned, working to promote fairness in the workplace.

Tom Kuech

Tom Kuech

Tom Kuech retired in 2020 after almost 30 years on the faculty of the Chemical Engineering Department within the College of Engineering. Prior to that, Kuech worked at the IBM Research Center.

At UW–Madison, he twice served as chair of the department and enjoyed teaching and research throughout the years. His research focused on semiconductor materials and devices. He enjoyed teaching principally undergraduates.

Kuech is a firm believer in faculty governance, and while an active faculty member, he served on many university and college committees including the Divisional Executive Committee, Graduate Research Committee, Committee on Honorary Degrees, Chemical and Biological Safety Committee, numerous search and screen committees and college promotion committee. He was also the inaugural director of the UW Materials Science Research and Engineering Center.

Upon retiring from the university, Kuech served as a program director in the Division of Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation at the National Science Foundation until 2022. His retirement activities include continued learning about the world and science, woodworking, genealogy, travel, rediscovering old interests and enjoying his family.

Find more information about UW ombuds online or contact the ombuds by email at or by phone at 608-265-9992.