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October 4, 2005

David Nolan, a financial specialist for the Environmental Resources Center, received a UW-Extension Classified Staff Exceptional Service Award for providing fiscal expertise contributing to Wisconsin’s role as a leader in water resource outreach and education.

Mary Rouse, recently retired director of the Morgridge Center for Public Service, received a Friend of Extension Award in recognition of bringing educational and life-enhancing resources to low-income residents in Dane County.

Ronald Schuler, professor and UW-Extension specialist for the Biological Systems Engineering Department and Agricultural and Natural Resources Program, received a UW-Extension Career Award for being a national leader in educating producers and youth about agricultural technology and adapting technologies for those with disabilities.

Henry Turner, assistant professor in the Department of English, was selected as one of the top scholars under 40 who works on Renaissance research outside of drama. With more than 100 nominations, Turner is among six selected to lecture in December at the symposium “Renaissance Poetry and Prose: The Future of the Past.”

The following faculty, classified and academic staff were granted emerita/emeritus status upon their retirement during the 2004-05 fiscal year. They are listed by name, school and department.

Elton D. Aberle, dean and professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Animal Science; Helene C. Androski, senior academic librarian, General Library System; Gregory D. Armstrong, director, Graduate School/Arboretum; David E. Armstrong, professor, College of Engineering/Civil and Environmental Engineering; Linda A. Balsiger, senior academic librarian, Medical School/Health Sciences Library; Carol M. Bartol, program assistant 3, School of Veterinary Medicine/Animal Health and Biomedical Sciences; June M. Bennett, program assistant 3, College of Letters and Science/Economics; Diane M. Bless, professor, College of Letters and Science/Communicative Disorders; Kathleen M. Boebel, developmental program manager 3, School of Education/Administration-Dean’s Office; Stephen M. Born, professor, College of Letters and Science/Urban and Regional Planning; Barbara G. Brown, secretary 2, Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; Michael E. Byrd, professor, College of Letters and Science/Philosophy; Karen A. Carlson, clinical instructor, College of Letters and Science/ Communicative Disorders; Richard J. Casper, instrument innovator-research, College of Engineering/Materials Science Center; Joseph P. Cassinelli, professor, College of Letters and Science/Astronomy; David A. Caulum, outreach program manager 3, School of Education/Center on Education and Work; Philip R. Certain, dean and professor, College of Letters and Science/Chemistry; Nikolas I. Christensen, professor, College of Letters and Science/Geology and Geophysics; Richard T. Christensen, faculty associate, School of Business/Business Outreach; Caroline C. Clark, research program manager 2, Medical School/Medicine-Clinical Oncology; Verallyn M. Cline, senior lecturer, School of Education/Kinesiology; Mary J. Conners, program assistant supervisor 3, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Animal Science; James C. Converse, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Biological Systems Engineering; William A. Craig, professor, School of Medicine/Medicine; Peter N. Cupery, academic librarian, School of Education/Center for Instructional Materials and Computing; Robert Joe Cutter, professor, College of Letters and Science/East Asian Languages and Literature; Steven C. Daggett, senior information processing consultant, General Library System; James E. Dahlberg, professor, Medical School/Biomedical Chemistry; Janice A. Deneen, program assistant 3, College of Letters and Science/ Sociology; Carter L. Denniston, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and Medical School/Genetics; Margaret Raab Dentine, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Dairy Science; Marvin F. DeVries, professor, College of Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering; Clifford Dillhunt, director, computer services, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Administration; Susan M. Disch, communication specialist senior, Division of Continuing Studies/Administration; Joy H. Dohr, professor, School of Human Ecology; Jerry D. Doll, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Agronomy; Roy A. Dorman, university benefits specialist, Business Services/Employee Compensation and Benefit Services; Marcia Y. Douglas, assistant dean, Graduate School/ Administration; Robert W. Drachenberg, director, business services, Medical School/Family Medicine; Betsy Draine, associate vice chancellor and professor, College of Letters and Science/English; Judith C. Ederer, program assistant advanced confidential, School of Human Ecology; Patricia P. Evans, senior lecturer, Medical School/Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Fred Fenster, professor, School of Education/Art; Mary Anne Fitzpatrick, professor, College of Letters and Science/ Communication Arts; Gary G. Frank, outreach program manager 2, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Dairy Profit Center; Linda J. Frentzel, financial specialist 4, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Animal Science; Aaron L. Friedman, professor, Medical School/Pediatrics; Gary R. Gaard, administrative program manager 1, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Plant Pathology; Gregory S. Galica, faculty associate, College of Letters and Science/English; Kenneth D. Gibson, associate director, Wisconsin Union; Jeffrey L. Glassroth, professor, Medical School/ Medicine; James R. Goodman, professor, College of Letters and Science/Computer Science; Robert M. Goodman, professor, College of Letters and Science/Plant Pathology; Willy Haeberli, professor, College of Letters and Science/Physics; Evelyn F. Hall, senior lecturer, Medical School/Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Patricia I. Hanson, program assistant 2, Graduate School/Molecular Biology; Helen C. Harrison, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Horticulture; Taissa S. Hauser, senior scientist, College of Letters and Science/Sociology; Robert P. Hawkins, professor, College of Letters and Science/Journalism and Mass Communication; Goran Hellekant, professor, School of Veterinary Medicine/Animal Health and Biomedical Sciences; William L. Hibbard, senior scientist, Graduate School/Space Science and Engineering Center; Victor L. Hitts, professor, College of Letters and Science/History of Science; Michael C. Hinden, professor, College of Letters and Science/English; Gail L. Holmes, program assisant 4, Law School; Linda M. Holthaus, program assistant supervisor advanced, College of Letters and Science/ Interdisciplinary Research Programs-Natural Science and Center for Limnology; Erhard F. Joeres, professor, College of Engineering/Civil and Environmental Engineering; James D. Johnson, assistant director, Wisconsin Union; Jeffrey M. Jones, professor, Medical School/Medicine; Andreas M. Kazamias, professor, School of Education/Education Policy Studies; Keith A. Kelling, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Soil Science; Cavalliere G. Ketchum, professor, School of Education/Art; John A. Kiwell, professor, Law School; Richard L. Klemm, outreach program manager 1, Division of Continuing Studies/Liberal Studies and Arts; Roger G. Klopp, research program manager 2, Medical School/Institue on Aging; Rodney P. Knutson, assistant director, Graduate School/UW Press; John Kotar, senior scientist, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Forest Ecology and Management; Gary W. Kraemer, professor, School of Education/Kinesiology; Wayne R. Kussow, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Soil Science; Peter M. Lalley, professor, Medical School/ Physiology; Donna Mae Lewis, senior administration program specialist, College of Engineering/Electrical and Computer Engineering; Diane L. Lindstrom, professor, College of Letters and Science/History; Vladimir J. Lumelsky, professor, College of Engineering/Mechanical Engineering; Elsebet Lund, senior scientist, Medical School/ Biomolecular Chemistry; Helen H. Madsen, distinguished university legal counsel, General Services/Legal and Executive Affairs; Edward J. Marien, professor, School of Business; Mark A. Marquardt, senior scientist, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Land Tenure Center; Ellen A. Maurer, senior university relations specialist, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Life Sciences Communication; Suzanne H. McCann, program assistant 4, Division of Continuing Studies/Administration; James M. McManamy, counselor, Division of Continuing Studies/Administration; Larry R. Meiller, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Life Sciences Communication; John L. Merrill, professor, School of Human Ecology; David M. Mickelson, professor, College of Letters and Science/Geology and Geophysics; Robert B. Miller, professor, School of Business, College of Letters and Science/Statistics; William P. Morgan, professor, School of Education/Kinesiology; Thomas J. Murray, library director, College of Engineering/Library; Karen L. Niesen, senior administrative specialist, Graduate School/Administration; Stanley A. Novotny, power plant manager, Facilities Planning and Management/Central Power Plants; Martin G. Olsson, professor, College of Letters and Science/Physics; Stanley G. Payne, professor, College of Letters and Science/History; Terrence M. Penner, professor, College of Letters and Science/Philosophy; James O. Peterson, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Biological Systems Engineering; David M. Peterson, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Agronomy; Judie M. Pfeifer, senior outreach specialist, Medical School/Family Medicine; Andrew C. Porter, professor, College of Letters and Science/Afro-American Studies; W. Charles Read, dean and professor, School of Education/Deans’ Office, College of Letters and Science/ Linguistics; Don D. Reeder, professor, College of Letters and Science/Physics; Ronald J. Reynolds, professor, College of Letters and Science/Astronomy; Joseph R. Robinson, professor, School of Pharmacy; Mary K. Rouse, assistant vice chancellor and dean of students, General Education Administration/University Administration, Dean of Students; Stephen M. Salemson, associate director, Graduate School/UW Press; Larry D. Satter, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Dairy Science; William J. Scheuerell, computer services director, Division of Information Technology; Stanley K. Schultz, professor, College of Letters and Science/History; Julie A. Seaborg, senior outreach specialist, School of Education/Education Outreach; James H. Seals, library services supervisor, General Library Services/College Library; John G. Selbo, student services program manager 3, Academic Services/Student Financial Services; Linda K. Shriberg, outreach program manager 1, School of Education/Education Outreach; Marsha J. Stanek, program assistant supervisor advanced, College of Letters and Science/Physics; Karen K. Stauffacher, assistant dean, School of Business; James G. Stratton, human resources manager, General Services/Office of Human Resources-Classified Human Resources; John C. Strikwerfa, professor, College of Letters and Science/Computer Science; Charles M. Strother, professor, Medical School/Radiology; James L. Stuht, senior instrument specialist, College of Letters and Science/Music; Michael J. Subkoviak, professor, School of Education/Educational Psychology; Steven L. Sundell, senior academic librarian, General Library Services; Bonnie L. Svarstad, professor, School of Pharmacy; James F. Swarz, electronic technician specialist advanced, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Biotron; Barry J. Teicher, researcher, General Library Services/Archives; Juan C. Temprano, professor, College of Letters and Science/Spanish and Portuguese; Judith E. Thompson, clinical associate professor, School of Pharmacy; H. Harv Thompson, professor, Division of Continuing Studies/Liberal Studies and Arts; David M. Trubek, dean and professor, Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, Law School; Frank M. Tuerkheimer, professor, Law School; David T. Uehling, professor, Medical School/Surgery-Urology; Thomas R. Vale, professor, College of Letters and Science/Geography; Steven E. Van Ess, financial aid director, Enrollment Management/ Student Financial Services; Selma S. VanEyck, assistant dean, Medical School/Academic Affairs; Edward H. Vidruk, associate professor, Medical School/Population Health Science; Terrance A. Virlee, senior accountant, Recreational Sports/Administration; Ann K. Wallace, assistant dean, School of Education/ General Administration-Dean’s Office; Clark L. Wambold, professor, School of Education/ Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education; Bernard C. Wentworth, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/ Animal Sciences; Kathleen E. R. Wiese, assistant director, Medical School/Comprehensive Cancer Center; Barbara P. Wiley, assistant dean, College of Letters and Science/ Administration-Student Academic Affairs; James A. Will, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Dairy Science; William H. Williams, food service director, Wisconsin Union/Administration; Roger T. Williams, professor, Division of Continuing Studies/ Professional Development Applied Studies; John M. Wilson, Information Systems Development Services Technical Consultant, Division of Information Technology; Pamela A. Wilson, associate professor, Medical School/Medicine; Larry W. Wold, administrative officer, General Services/Vice Chancellor-Administration-Budget, Planning and Analysis; Jeffrey A. Wayman, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Entomology; Raymond A. Young, professor, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences/Forest Ecology and Management; R. Tellervo Zoller, senior academic librarian, Law School/Law Library.