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New Union Theater season includes classical music, dance

August 23, 2005

The Wisconsin Union Theater has announced its 2005-06 season lineup, which will include classical and world music, dance, travel films and more.

Keyboard Conversations with Jeffrey Siegel, concerts with lively commentary, return for a 20th anniversary season in Madison, celebrating the 250th anniversary of Mozart’s birth. Keyboard Conversations is co-sponsored by the School of Music and all performances are in Mills Hall, Humanities Building.

New this year:

  • A 10 percent discount for all UW–Madison faculty and staff, members of the Wisconsin Alumni Association and Union members
  • Gourmet, four-course meals before three of the Concert Series shows
  • Opportunities to meet the artists after performances
  • A new package, available to students of all ages and schools. The Ignite Package includes four of the season’s most exciting shows and a voucher for any travel adventure film for only $30 to any student with a valid ID from any school. Quantities for the series are limited and early registration is highly recommended;
  • Four post-performance dance parties. The parties, with live music and refreshments, are free to ticket holders.

For detailed schedule and order form, call 262-2201, or visit