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Wisconsin Partnership Fund awards grants totaling nearly $6 million

January 11, 2005

The Wisconsin Partnership Fund for a Healthy Future, which is the Blue Cross Program at the Medical School, last year awarded just under $6 million to 33 organizations across the state for community- academic partnerships designed to advance the health of the people of Wisconsin.

Thirteen implementation grants totaling approximately $5.4 million were awarded in December, while 20 planning grants totaling more than $486,000 were awarded in September.

The planning grants, typically $25,000 each, either help local organizations develop community-academic partnerships or stimulate new collaborations that may lead to larger projects.

The implementation grants, averaging $150,000 per year for up to three years for each organization, emphasize more expansive projects specifically targeting some of Wisconsin’s most urgent health care needs, including healthy birth outcomes, safe neighborhoods, and healthy lifestyles for children and families. The grants also fund several statewide projects benefiting rural communities through projects that will improve access to health care.

Another funding cycle of planning and implementation grants will be announced this spring.