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Session to examine state environmental regulation

November 4, 2004

A roundtable discussion examining significant innovations taking place in Wisconsin environmental regulation will be held Wednesday, Nov. 10, at the Law School.

Three key Wisconsin figures will discuss cutting-edge regulatory methods, and their relationship to the law and the role of lawyers.

The three are Scott Hassett, secretary of Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Kristine A. Euclide, vice president and general counsel, Madison Gas and Electric Co.; and Howard Bellman, a Madison area mediator who has pioneered the application of mediation to environmental, public policy and other disputes.

The new regulation practices reward performance that improves the environment. One example is Wisconsin’s Green Tier, a new framework for a results-based system where businesses, citizens and regulators work as a team to protect the environment. Another is”>Dairy Gateway, a project funded by the Joyce Foundation that connects farming neighborhoods with each other and with urban communities to promote economically competitive and environmentally sustainable dairy farming.

The roundtable will be held from noon-2 p.m. in Lubar Commons, 7200 Law School. Professors Dave and Robert M. La Follette School of Public Affairs, the WAGE Governance Project, the Wisconsin Environmental Law Society and the Wisconsin Environmental Law Advocates.

Continuing legal education credits are pending. No registration is required. Reading materials will be distributed at the workshop. The program is free, and a light lunch will be provided.