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New York Times writer to discuss his welfare reform book

September 29, 2004

Jason DeParle, whose new book “American Dream” tracks the story of welfare reform from the White House to three Milwaukee families living in poverty, will speak Thursday, Sept. 30, at UW–Madison.

A senior writer at The New York Times whose work focuses on social policy, DeParle will speak from 12:15-1:30 p.m. in 8417 Social Science Building, 1180 Observatory Drive.

His appearance, which is free and open to the public, is part of a seminar series sponsored by the Institute for Research on Poverty at UW–Madison.

DeParle’s book is based on more than a decade of reporting, and traces the story of three Milwaukee women back six generations to a common ancestor – a Mississippi slave. It also traces the history of welfare reform both in Wisconsin and on the national stage.