UW Police banner displayed in remembrance of 9/11
In remembrance of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, a banner will continue to be displayed outside the UW Police Department through the weekend, marking the third anniversary of the attacks.
The privately funded banner notes that the department remembers the 9/11 tragedies. The banner is dedicated to the police, fire and emergency crews “whose work and dedication inspire us all.”
Designed by members of the department in 2002, the banner features the emblems of the UW Police, and the New York Port Authority Police, Fire Department of New York and New York Police Department. It also includes a quote from President George W. Bush made in the days following the attacks.
Intended to be displayed for 10- to 14-day period encompassing each Sept. 11, the banner was hung this year on Sept. 1. It will be taken down and stored on Monday, Sept. 13.