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Certificate recognizes skills

April 13, 2004

To help graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, academic staff and faculty develop teaching skills that build upon their research skills, UW–Madison is launching a certificate that recognizes their ability to integrate research, teaching and learning.

A seminar on this program will take place Friday, April 23, at 3 p.m. in room 104 Russell Laboratories, with a social at 4 p.m. at Science House at 1645 Linden Drive.

The Delta Program in Research, Teaching and Learning has developed the certificate. Delta is a project of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning.

The certificate enables graduate students through faculty to learn how to turn the classroom into a laboratory, where they identify a problem, test a hypothesis and evaluate the effectiveness of the approach to enhance learning for all students.

“It’s a systematic approach to teaching and learning that’s akin to the research model,” says Don Gillian-Daniel, a Delta project leader who will oversee the program’s internship component.

Requirements include completion of two graduate-level courses on teaching and learning, and an internship; participation in the learning community for at least one semester; and development of a portfolio.

Coordinators stress that people interested in becoming better teachers can participate in many Delta offerings without enrolling in or intending to complete the certificate.

For information:, 261-1180.

Tags: learning