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Employee completes marathons in 50 states, D.C.

January 1, 2004

In just more than three years, Janet Hagen, a program assistant with the Office of Student Financial Services, has completed a marathon in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Hagen, who often chose powerwalking over running to conquer the 26.2-mile courses, finished the last marathon in Arkansas in November.

Now 54, she started her tour of duty after turning 50. “At this milestone age, I decided to revamp my physical fitness goals and routines,” she says. She walked the Fox Cities marathon in Appleton, and after completing three more, in Virginia, Illinois and New York, she decided to go for all 51.

During the next three-plus years she saw powerwalking become more accepted as a competition, with marathon races keeping courses open longer, and thus drawing more participants and offering larger prizes.

Hagen, a UW–Madison employee since 1986, says she went through at least 20 pairs of shoes and completed 1,336.20 competitive miles.

One marathon usually took five to six hours. During each race she pondered life’s questions, talked with racers and enjoyed the scenery. Sometimes, she says, she would “just put one foot in front of the other and get to the end as fast as possible, especially if it was pouring down rain, windy and cold, or blazing hot and humid.”