UW-Madison lecture series focuses on medical issues
Medical issues that affect nearly every family in Wisconsin are the focus of a free UW–Madison public lecture series beginning this fall.
George Mejicano, assistant dean for continuing medical education in the UW Medical School, says the six topics were selected because they are of such high interest to health-care consumers. “We see more and more patients who want to be more knowledgeable about the best approaches to health care,” he says. “This series can address some of their concerns.”
The first lecture, “Alternatives to Hormone Replacement: What’s a Woman to Do,” will be presented by Christine S. Seibert, associate professor of medicine. The lecture and a question-and-answer session take place 7-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 16, in the auditorium of the American Family Insurance Corporate headquarters, 6000 American Parkway in Madison.
The topic was chosen in light of recent data that confirms the risks of conventional hormone-replacement therapy. “An increasing number of women are turning to supplements and herbal remedies for their menopausal symptoms, and are interested in knowing more about these and other alternative therapies,” says Seibert.
The additional lectures, their dates, locations and speakers, are:
* “Alzheimer’s Disease: New Treatment and Renewed Hope,” 7:30-9 p.m., Wednesday, Oct 8. Racine Civic Center, Sapphire East Hall, Fifth Street, Racine. Presenter: Mark A. Sager, director, Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute, UW Medical School
* “Antibiotic Resistance: Can We Stop the Titanic Before it Hits the Iceberg?” 7-8:30 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 18, 1478 Midway Road on the UW-Fox Valley campus, Menasha. Presenter: George C. Mejicano, assistant dean for continuing medical education, UW Medical School
* “Asthma: The Silent Epidemic,” 7-8:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 24, American Family Insurance headquarters, 6000 American Parkway, Madison. Presenter: Mark Moss, assistant professor of pediatrics and medicine, UW Medical School
* “Nutrition and Cholesterol,” 7-8:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 23, CUNA Mutual Group, 5810 Mineral Point Road, Madison. Presenter: Patrick E. McBride, professor of medicine and family medicine, UW Medical School
* “Osteoporosis: Preventing Bone Loss in the Dairy State,” 7-8:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 13, Promega Corporation, 2800 Woods Hollow Road, Madison. Presenter: Neil C. Binkley, associate professor of medicine, UW Medical School
Lecture sponsors are the UW Medical School, UW–Madison Division of Continuing Studies and the Wisconsin Alumni Association. Financial support is provided by the Division of Continuing Studies’ Wisconsin Idea Initiative Fund.
Preregistration for the programs is not necessary, but seating capacity is limited to 100 at some locations. For more information, contact Roger Maclean, (608) 265-8457, or visit www.dcs.wisc.edu/info/medlectures.htm.