Recent Sightings
Sunset silhouettes
All manner of watercraft, including a canoe from the Wisconsin Union Outdoor Rentals, were silhouetted by the shimmering light of sunset near the Memorial Union Terrace piers on Lake Mendota during a recent summer evening. (Photo: Jeff Miller)
It takes a crew …
… to make a 30-second television spot. John Roach Projects, a Madison-based video production company, was directing and filming on Library Mall in early August, pausing now and then to check progress on the video monitor in in the foreground. You can see the results of their work when the spot airs during the commercial breaks of most Badger sporting events this fall. After the video is edited, and narration and music are added, the TV spot — titled “Forward. Thinking.” — will be ready for broadcast. We’d hate to spoil the ending, so that’s all we’re going to tell you. (Photo: Jeff Miller)