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Three things to know about summer term

February 11, 2020
The juxtaposition of campus life during summer-session is seen as two silhouetted students study indoors next to a lakefront window in College Library at Helen C. White Hall.

The juxtaposition of campus life during summer-session is seen as two silhouetted students study indoors next to a lakefront window in College Library at Helen C. White Hall. Photo: Jeff Miller

Before you know it summer will be here–and so will Summer Term, a great opportunity to make progress toward your degree and prepare for your career.

Here are three important things to know about Summer Term:

  1. You can attend Summer Term on campus or from anywhere in the world. Find the course schedule on the Course Search and Enroll app.
  2. UW-Madison has scholarship funding for eligible Summer Term students.
  3. Summer Term is a smart way to make the most of your UW–Madison experience. Taking courses in summer can open opportunities for you to intern, do research, or take a semester abroad—and get you a little closer to the credits you need for graduation.

From the university’s most in-demand courses to advanced topics, Summer Term combines flexibility with academic rigor. Sessions are three, four, or eight weeks long. You’ll cover the same material as during a traditional semester, but at a faster pace. It’s accelerated but manageable. Plus, with an early session on May 26 – June 14, you can take up to 4 credits and have the rest of your summer free.

In general, for every hour in a course, expect to have two hours of outside work to do. So, for a three-week course, you’ll have 15 hours in course and 30 hours of homework each week—a full schedule, but then it’s on to the rest of the summer. [a four-week course is approximately 11 hours of course time, 22 hours of homework weekly; an eight-week course is approximately six hours of course time and 11 hours of homework weekly]

You can focus on difficult courses without juggling a full fall or spring workload, or complete prerequisites for future courses. Summer courses can free up time in fall and spring for unique opportunities like study abroad programs, internships, or co-ops, without delaying graduation.

Want to get started on your summer plans? View summer course options here: Enrollment begins March 30.

Learn more at And see you this summer!