School reform expert to speak at School of Education celebration
A free public lecture by Professor Linda McNeil, a national expert on school reform from Rice University, will highlight the School of Education‘s Alumni Weekend program at 10 a.m., Saturday, May 10. McNeil’s talk on “Who Speaks for Children in a Standardized World?” will take place in the H’Doubler Performance Space in Lathrop Hall. A public reception will precede the program.
The Alumni Weekend celebration will honor seven outstanding graduates of the School of Education. Alumni Achievement Awards will be presented to Cris Bruch, M.A.’85, M.F.A.’86 in art; Ki-Seok Kim, Ph.D.’85 in educational policy studies; Nancy Lesko, M.S.’76, Ph.D.’83 in curriculum and instruction; Linda McNeil, Ph.D.’77 in curriculum and instruction; and John Negley, Ph.D.’83 in educational administration.
An Outstanding Recent Graduate Award will be given to R. Ryan Christianson, B.S.’96 in education, natural science. Larry Gundlach, B.S.’92 in elementary education will be presented with the Lois Gadd Nemec Distinguished Elementary Education Alumni Award.
The celebration will conclude with lunch in the Harrison Parlor in Lathrop Hall. The luncheon costs $20 and requires registration. Information: 262-0054,