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Month-long science open house set for April

March 10, 2003

This April, UW–Madison welcomes learners of all ages to explore the campus and experience science as discovery during a month-long open house called “Science Expeditions.”

During the open house, the public can partake in family-friendly activities that share scientific findings and insights through hands-on demonstrations and interactive exhibits. Campus visitors can learn from world-renowned researchers, as well as tour labs where discoveries are made.

The organizers of Science Expeditions say that the month-long event underscores the university’s tradition of outreach – the Wisconsin Idea. “The university is committed to sharing science with Wisconsin,” says Tom Zinnen, outreach specialist for the UW Biotechnology Center and co-organizer of Science Expeditions. “This event provides a great opportunity for the science outreach community on campus to organize itself in a way never before done.”

Many activities, sponsored by departments and centers from across campus, have been scheduled. A complete listing, including dates, locations, parking recommendations and other details, is available at Many are free and require no prior registration.

Here’s a sampling of scheduled activities:

  • “Whys and Wows!” An interactive experience filled with physical phenomena, chemical craziness and biological beauty. This event includes 20 “Explorations Stations” and presentations of “Science is Fun” by chemistry professor Bassam Shakhashiri, “The Wonders of Physics” by physics professor Clint Sprott and “Kiss of Life: In Vitro Fertilization” by professors Jack Rutledge and Rick Monson. Saturday, April 5, 1-4 p.m., at Engineering Hall, 1415 Engineering Drive.
  • “Engineering Expo.” A biennial, student-organized exhibition that showcases recent developments in engineering and demonstrates how those advances apply to everyday life. The event also features bridge building, egg tossing and model rocket competitions. Thursday, April 10, to Saturday, April 12, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. daily at Engineering Hall.
  • “Campus Native American Mounds Walk.” Join UW–Madison’s Friends of Campus Natural Areas for a tour of campus effigy mounds and habitation sites in the Picnic Point area. Saturday, April 19, 10 a.m.-noon. Those interested meet at the Picnic Point parking lot.
  • “DNA Day and Family Science Night.” A special event to celebrate the 50th year since James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the double helix structure of deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA. During the first part, UW–Madison scientists share their insights into the story of DNA. Afterwards, visitors can explore science through hands-on activities, such as extracting DNA glop from wheat germ, using a micropipette to move a millionth of a liter and building a human DNA model. Friday, April 25, 3:30-7:30 p.m., Biotechnology Center, 425 Henry Mall.

Sara Jung, director of the Campus Information and Visitors Center and co-organizer of Science Expeditions, says the open house is designed to bring the community to campus in an effort to share its discoveries and resources. She adds, “We want the public to know that they don’t have to be a matriculated student to participate in all the wonderful things happening at UW–Madison.”

April 2003 will mark the first Science Expeditions, and the organizers say they hope the program takes root and grows stronger each year.

For more information on Science Expeditions, contact the Campus Information and Visitors Center at (608) 263-2400.