Conference to explore higher-education challenges
Student services professionals are encouraged to attend this year’s Student Personnel Association conference, Embracing Current Challenges in Higher Education: Shooting the Rapids!
Scheduled for Friday, Feb. 21, at the Pyle Center, the conference will offer strategies, and innovative thoughts and ideas for the many challenges facing higher-education professionals.
Among the workshop presenters will be Kathleen Allen, a consultant with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation in the area of leadership. Allen, who will address “Learning to Influence Change, Not Just Survive It,” has recently published (with Cynthia Cherrey) a book, “Systemic Leadership: Enriching the Meaning of Our Work.”
Other conference topics include the university budget, legal issues, religion on campus, race-based admissions, increased parental involvement and improving staff morale.
Cost: $38, SPA members; $48, non-SPA members; and $25, students. Registration deadline is Friday, Feb. 7.
Information, registration: