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December 10, 2002

Subjects Sought for Study
John Marshall, professor of psychiatry, is recruiting subjects for a medication study. Participants must be experiencing recurrent depression symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, lack of motivation and changes in appetite. Information: 263-6171,

Children Wanted for Voice Study
The Department of Surgery is looking for participants for a study to develop a questionnaire for evaluating hoarse voices in children and teenagers, aged 2-18. No medications will be dispensed and no medical procedures will be performed. Children and parents or guardians will meet with the researchers for a 30-minute interview. Participants will be compensated with a McDonald’s coupon. If interested, e-mail telephone number to:

Exercise Study for Breast Cancer Survivors
Lisa Sanborn, kinesiology, is seeking volunteers for an exercise study looking at physical activity and physical fitness levels. The study involves three visits to the UW Sports Medicine Fitness Center and includes a diagnostic exercise test. Breast cancer survivors should be 50-69 years of age, post-menopausal, diagnosed with stage I-III breast cancer, be at least three months post-treatment but not more than two years post-treatment, free from cardiovascular disease and free from any orthopedic problems. Information: 263-0854,