Ask Bucky
Actual questions from real people, answered by the friendly folks at the Campus Information and Visitor Center. Ask CIVC questions at its office, first floor of the Red Gym. Call 263-2400 or e-mail
Q: When the Library Mall fountain is drained and covered for the winter, how much money is recovered?
A: Not much. Physical Plant staff maintain and clean the fountain during its open season, April 15 to Oct. 15. The fountain typically collects less than a dollar each week.
Q: Does the School of Music offer lessons for non-students?
A: Yes. Vocal and instrument lessons are available to students age 7 and older during the fall, spring and summer semesters. Undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in the School of Music teach the lessons; fees vary depending on the length of lessons and teacher experience. Information: 263-1923, or visit
Flu clinics: last times
Three chances remain for faculty and staff who wish to attend on-campus clinics for flu shots. Sponsored by the Safety Department and Home Health United, the following clinics will be held 10 a.m.- 2 p.m. each day: Thursday, Nov. 21, 338 Brogden Hall (Psychology); Friday, Nov. 22, 132 WARF Office Building and Monday, Nov. 25, 1104 Biotechnology Center. Those who bring insurance cards from Dean, Group Health, Physicians Plus or Unity will not be charged for shots; for others, the charge is $15. Students can obtain flu shots at no cost from University Health Services.
Coming Attraction
Interested in purchasing unique, creative artwork? Then visit the Main Lounge in Memorial Union, Friday, Dec. 6, from 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. for the UW Student Art Sale. UW students interested in selling their artwork need to pick up a registration sheet in Room 507, Memorial Union. The Art Committee of the Wisconsin Union Directorate sponsors the sale. Information: Elissa Rehberger, 262-7592,
O Tannenbaum
The Forestry Club will hold its annual Christmas Tree Sale at the UW Stock Pavilion on Friday, Dec. 6, 8 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday, Dec. 7, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; and Sunday, Dec. 8, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The sale will offer fraser fir, balsam fir and white pine, plus fraser wreaths. Prices have remained the same for the past four years.
Backward Glance
From Wisconsin Week, Nov. 16, 1992: With studies showing that UW–Madison lags behind its Big Ten counterparts, the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) aims to improve access to computers and computer competency among students. “Most students do not have electronic mail accounts …or do they have access to the Internet, a vast collection of networks linking computers worldwide. Such access is common at other research universities.” The UW Parking and Transportation Office merges with Fleet Services to form UW Transportation Services. Campus SAFEride begins providing late-night transportation service on campus.