Ask Bucky
Actual questions from real people, answered by the friendly folks at the Campus Information and Visitor Center. Ask CIVC questions at its office, first floor of the Red Gym. Call 263-2400 or e-mail
Q: I’d like to take my young grandchildren to the Geology Museum on campus. What are the hours and admission fees?
A: The Geology Museum, located inside Weeks Hall, 1215 W. Dayton St., is a great destination for kids. The museum hosts more than 16,000 school-aged visitors each year. The museum asks for a donation of $1 per visitor and is open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. weekdays; 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays. Call ahead so you can avoid visiting when a large group may be touring the museum. For more information, visit
Q: I want to have my wedding reception on campus. What are my options?
A: On campus, there are a variety of indoor and outdoor venues for social events. Popular wedding reception locations include Memorial Union (Central Reservations, 262-2511) and Allen Centennial Gardens (262-8406). Planning far in advance is key to securing one of these locations. Other venues may be available depending on your needs.
Coming Attraction
The UW-Madison Arboretum will hold a two-hour, family nature search and compass skills session at 1 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 9. Participants will learn fun facts and make discoveries about special places in the Arboretum’s prairies and woodlands. Dress for both indoor and outdoor activities. At 1:30 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 10, bring the family to the Arboretum for a short walk featuring a kid-centered look at how animals and plants have been preparing for winter long before the snow starts to fall. Both sessions are free and begin at the Arboretum Visitor Center, 1207 Seminole Highway. Call 263-7888 for more information. These Earth Partnership for Families programs are funded by Friends of the Arboretum and Pleasant Company Fund for Children. The partnership also publishes free, self-guiding booklets so families can explore the Arboretum on their own. Pickup copies at the Visitor Center.
Nonviolent Protest
Vice Chancellor for Administration John Torphy, who plans to retire next summer, faced perhaps his final Bascom Hall student “sit-in” on Oct. 23. Led by teachers Sue Sprecker and Kris Krystoviak, a group of 4-year-olds from the Office of Campus Childcare’s Preschool Lab delivered cupcakes and carried decorated “protest” signs thanking Torphy for his support of childcare. They also offered advice on how he could use his post-retirement free time, with such suggestions as “make a play date with friends” and “clean your room.”
Backward Glance
From the Nov. 4, 1992 issue of Wisconsin Week: UW Hospital and Clinics submits a restructuring plan that changes its status from state agency to a “public authority” subject to state employee relations laws. …UW System President Katharine Lyall characterizes the 1993-1995 biennial budget request as “bare bones.” Also in the news, the Nov. 3 election has concluded, with Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton defeating the elder George Bush to win the presidency and Middleton Democrat Russ Feingold winning over Republican incumbent Sen. Robert Kasten. 2nd District U.S. Rep. Scott Klug also retains his seat. All three carry wards heavily populated by UW–Madison students.