Ask Bucky
Actual questions from real people, answered by the friendly folks at the Campus Information and Visitor Center. Ask CIVC questions at its office, first floor of the Red Gym. Call 263-2400 or e-mail
Q: Where is the observatory on campus? Can I make an appointment to locate stars?
A: Washburn Observatory is on the summit of Observatory Hill on Observatory Drive. Public observations are offered (if the sky is mostly clear) on the first and third Wednesday evenings of the month. An astronomer is on duty during open hours to answer questions. Viewing sessions begin at 9 p.m., April through October, and at 7:30 p.m., November through March.
Call 262-WASH for information. Sky and astronomical news is available at 262-2436.
Q: I left my backpack on campus. Where is the lost-and-found office?
A: Most buildings on campus manage their own lost-and-found areas. Your best bet is to contact the main reception desk or building manager of the building where you left your bag. In addition, the student and the faculty/staff directories have lists of lost-and-found numbers organized by building.
Computer lab expands hours
The Division of Information Technology’s Union South Computer Information Lab expanded its hours from 8 a.m.- 11:45 p.m. Open to anyone with a valid UW ID, the lab has 28 machines, 16 laptops for checkout, two scanner stations and a workstation with ADA software. For information, call 262-8622.
Counting COWS
Looking for county-by-county data on seasonal employment changes? Or, how about the average age of farmers in Chippewa County? The Sustaining Wisconsin web page, hosted by the Center on Wisconsin Strategy, has just the database for you. A new feature has detailed county-level data, offering snapshots of everything from unemployment to ACT scores, from poverty to affordable housing, and from voting patterns to Superfund sites. COWS researchers assembled data from local, state and federal sources, research organizations and advocacy groups. Each of the indicators includes link to the original source. Explore Dane County—or any of Wisconsin’s 72 counties—by visiting:
Head hunting
The Office of Human Resources found an eager and receptive audience at the Sept. 17 Madison Newspapers Career Fair. The office, which is recruiting to fill classified, unclassified and student job vacancies, attended as presenters. The semi-annual event allows individuals to meet with Dane County employers and learn what types of employment opportunities exist. For more information on UW–Madison job opportunities, visit
Backward glance
From Wisconsin Week, Oct. 21, 1992: A state budget order requires the UW System to return 1.5 percent of its total state appropriation, amounting to $10.3 million. UW–Madison is asked to shoulder 38 percent of the give back, some $3.9 million. System President Katharine Lyall says the request will force cuts in programs and services. … Workers hold a “topping-off” ceremony for the new Grainger Hall by hoisting its tower rooftop—and a symbolic evergreen—into place.