Student resiliency workshop scheduled March 19
UW–Madison’s Office of Education Outreach is sponsoring a workshop Tuesday, March 19, “Navigating Troubled Waters: Helping Schools Cope in the Aftermath of a Crisis–Building Resiliency in Our Students.”
Seminars will explain how children of different ages perceive and respond to traumatic events, such as the Sept. 11 attacks. Attendees will learn how to support and build resilience in children after a catastrophic event. Participants will receive instructional handouts during the workshop, including a mini-manual that assists teachers in attending to the needs of their students — and managing their own care — in times of crisis.
Donna Gaffney of New York University’s International Trauma Studies Program will lead the workshop. Through the New Jersey Family Assistance Center, Gaffney is working with families affected by the World Trade Center attacks. She is a consultant to several organizations that provide training for schools, communities and professionals. Gaffney, who holds a doctorate in child cognitive development, is also the author of “The Seasons of Grief: Helping Children Grow Through Loss.”
The workshop, open to the public, will be 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Pyle Center. To register, On the Web, click on “programs for adults,” then “Navigating Troubled Waters.” The form must be printed and mailed or faxed to the Pyle Center. Or contact Linda Shriberg, (608) 262-4477.