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Events Bulletin

November 28, 2000

Events Bulletin


Music Classes for Adults
Continuing Studies is offering a wide selection of music courses for adults starting in February. Topics range from history of bluegrass music, beginning harp and madrigal singing to Irish repertoire expansion, improving your voice and listening to the great composers. Fees range from $55 to $90. Information: 265-5629;

Fitness Classes Scheduled
Faculty and staff can choose from fitness classes offered by Continuing Studies starting in January. Classes include Chinese meditation, ch’i kung exercise for health, Pilates conditionings, Kundalini yoga, Alexander technique, acupressure and others. Information: 263-8927;

Continuing Education Catalog
The Winter/Spring 2001 Continuing Studies Catalog is available. It contains information about noncredit personal enrichment and professional development courses for adults in the fields of visual arts, aging and long-term care, clergy programs, communication, dance, developmental disabilities, evaluation and outcome, fitness and movement, history, international languages, literature, marketing, media relations, mediation, mental health, music, nonprofit development, photography, public management, publication design, study skills, theater and drama, travel/study, video production, women’s studies, and writing and editing. Copies can be found at the information desk in Bascom; at the lobby display at 905 University Ave.; at Dane County public libraries; and from the Division of Continuing Studies, 262-1156;

Visual Arts Courses
Fees: $25-$150

Continuing Studies offers many visual arts classes starting in February. Topics range from realist painting and working with pastels to making sacred bowls and applying color theory. Classes meet Saturdays and weeknights. Information: 263-6322;

Dance Courses
Fees: $44-$88

This winter/spring semester Continuing Studies is offering dance courses, including ballet, African American dance, jazz dance, ballroom dance, Irish dance and Scottish country dancing. New courses focus on contact improvisation and dance turns. Information: 263-8927;

Language courses for adults
Beginning and intermediate continuing education language courses start in January by Continuing Studies in French, Spanish and German. An advanced Spanish course is scheduled. Beginning courses are available in Norwegian and Italian. Directed (correspondence) study courses are offered in French, Spanish, German, Polish and Russian. Classes are held at West High School, 30 Ash St., or on campus. For information on Spanish call (608) 262-3428; for other languages call 262-4873.

Punctuation and Grammar: Complete Course in Good Writing
Wednesday-Thursday, Dec 13-14, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Pyle Center. Fee: $200.

Instructor: Greg Galica. A painless way to learn and polish up on grammar, punctuation, word usage and editing. Information: 262-3032;

The Art of Conflict Transformation
Thursday-Friday, Dec 7-8, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Lowell Center. Fee: $165.

Instructor: Kathy Germann. Shift from an either-or way of thinking to an attitude of curiosity and openness, out of which people in conflict can create win-win solutions. Information: 262-2352;

Successful Trade-Show Strategies
Friday, Dec. 1, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Pyle Center. Fee: $205.

Instructor: Allen Konapacki. Stay on top of today’s trade show environment and learn the latest techniques and strategies for getting maximum results from show participation. Information: 262-3032;

Graduate School Seminar Series
The Graduate School announces fall training opportunities on topics related to the research mission of the UW–Madison. Campus researchers, administrators, educators and support staff can attend free seminars on subjects related to intellectual property, research program management and research funding opportunities. New presentations focusing on finding research funding and administering and managing research awards have been added to the series:

  • Administering the Wisconsin Graduate Fellowship Program
  • Locating Funding Sources Using the World Wide Web
  • Legal Issues in Sponsored Research Agreements
  • Proposal Preparation Tips
  • Preparing Grant Budgets

The seminars will be presented by representatives of the Graduate School offices of University-Industry Relations and Research and Sponsored Programs in collaboration with the Office of Administrative Legal Services, the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation and the Business School. Registration requested for most seminars. Information: Jane Sherwood, 263-2840;

Retention Action Project
The Retention Action Project listens to concerns and facilitates dialogue on subjects to educate everyone about differences and multicultural experiences to take action in making the campus community climate more comfortable. In collaboration with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the Equity and Diversity Resource Center, RAP will bring a meeting to your department or community. Information: 263-4536.

Writing Center at the Multicultural Student Center
The Writing Center and the Multicultural Student Center have teamed up to provide convenient writing instruction. Faculty and staff are encouraged to refer students who use the MSC (located in the Red Gym) to make use of this free writing instruction. Instructors are available Mondays and Wednesdays, 3-6 p.m., and Tuesdays, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., in the MSC. Students do not need appointments. Writing Center instructors work with students writing many types of papers in disciplines from literature to engineering, biology to women’s studies, as well as research proposals, application essays, cover letters and resumes. They can help at any stage in the writing process, from brainstorming and outlining to revising and rewriting. For information on how the Writing Center can help students at the MSC, simply drop in, contact the Writing Center, 263-1992, or visit: