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SECC: Not too late to donate

November 28, 2000

The State, UW and UWHC Combined Campaign of Dane County closes Friday, Dec. 1, and so far, UW employees have contributed $493,397 to the annual charity fund-raising effort.

Of the nearly 14,000 eligible donors, only 1,852 – or 13 percent – have participated in the 2000 “Partners in Giving” workplace campaign to date.

Overall, SECC-Dane has raised $1,510,236 so far, or just over 64 percent of the 2000 goal.

“We’re hoping that members of the university community will have made a real strong effort during this final week to turn in their pledge forms, increase employee participation and perhaps even raise their contribution levels to support the nonprofit agencies of their choice,” says LaMarr Billups, university chair of the campaign.

Contributions will be accepted after Dec. 1, but employees who wish to give through payroll deduction must have their pledge forms turned in by Dec. 15 so that the Payroll Office can process them for 2001.