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Conference to focus on affordable housing issues

May 22, 2000 By Helen Capellaro

Although the United States is enjoying the longest period of economic prosperity in its history, millions of families on limited incomes face significant increases in their housing costs.

The 2000 Wisconsin Housing Conference, “Affordable Housing: Where Are We and Where Do We Go from Here?” will focus on the overriding policy issues that affect the provision of affordable housing today and will offer a guide to the future.

The conference will be held at the Pfister Hotel in Milwaukee on May 23-24. Milwaukee Mayor John Norquist kicks off the conference at a dinner session Tuesday, May 23.

Other public officials and affordable housing managers, developers, investors, non-profit sponsors, and lenders will also participate. Governor Tommy Thompson has been invited and Ira Peppercorn, Director, HUD Office of Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, is invited to be the keynote speaker at lunch Wednesday, May 24.

Individual sessions will highlight the changing roles of federal, state, and local governments as well as the key role of the private/non-profit sector in providing affordable housing today and the constraints restricting the supply of affordable housing. Case studies of unique “best practices” programs in operation today will provide insights into the successful affordable housing programs of the future. An optional guided tour of affordable housing developments in downtown Milwaukee is planned following the conference.

The conference is co-sponsored by the Center for Urban Land Economics Research at the School of Business and the Division of Housing and Intergovernmental Relations.

The conference costs $75, which includes conference materials, lunch and refreshments. If three or more people register from the same organization, the discounted registration fee is $60 each. The optional reception and dinner session is $35.

The registration deadline is May 18. A limited number of scholarships offering half-price registration fees are available to qualified individuals.

For more information, contact conference coordinator Leah Leighty, (608) 265-2032;

Tags: research