Madison Initiative: How will it help state?
The Madison Initiative is a new public-private investment. It calls for an increase to the university’s base budget of $57 million from the state and students, combined with $40 million in private giving from alumni and donors, over four years.
Here’s how the Madison Initiative will benefit Wisconsin. The university will be able to:
- Enhance and strengthen the outstanding education it provides to traditional and non-traditional students.
- Help Wisconsin remain competitive in the global economy.
- Contribute strong economic benefits for the state’s businesses and citizens. UW–Madison already has a $3.8 billion annual economic impact on Wisconsin.
- Provide top graduates for the state’s 21st Century workforce.
- Increase outreach activities in the state, through numerous K-12 partnerships, a nationally recognized research park and other activities.
The university looks forward to fostering this partnership in the next state budget so UW–Madison can maintain its excellence in the new century.