Baldwin, Pocan to promote legislation boosting early career researchers
Sen. Tammy Baldwin and Rep. Mark Pocan will be on the UW–Madison campus later this week to discuss legislation designed to enhance opportunities and support for researchers in the early stages of their careers.
Pocan and Baldwin will meet with faculty, staff and student researchers Friday (Oct. 16) at 10:30 a.m. in the Ziemann Suite of the Waisman Center to discuss the “Next Generation Research Act.” The act, introduced by the Wisconsin legislators to their respective houses, would establish an initiative within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to coordinate, accelerate and evaluate policies and programs aimed at boosting opportunities for early-stage researchers.
The event will include a short panel discussion featuring UW–Madison early-career researchers.
Those planning to attend are encouraged to RSVP by Wednesday (Oct. 14).