Science House to open its doors
Science House, a new center for faculty-based science outreach, will open its doors for the first time to the campus community and the public with an open house Wednesday, March 11 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Located at 1645 Linden Drive (just west of Babcock Hall), Science House is intended to serve as a hub for an array of science outreach activities aimed at the university community, K-12 educators, community organizations and the public.
Operated under the auspices of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and the Center for Biology Education, Science House will:
- Serve as a window on the UW–Madison research laboratory.
- Be a place of interaction between university and K-12 teachers.
- Facilitate faculty development.
- Serve as a center for materials development and publishing.
- Provide space for science outreach meetings, workshops and activities.
- Serve as a hub for a regional network of resources for the science education community.
- Collaborate with community organizations and industry.
The open house next Wednesday will feature presentations on Wisconsin Fast Plants and Bottle Biology, the Wisconsin Teacher Enhancement Program, the outreach activities of the Center for Biology Education, among others. The open house is free and open to the public.
Tags: learning