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Prescribed burns could take place Sunday in Lakeshore Nature Preserve

April 4, 2014

The Lakeshore Nature Preserve plans to conduct prescribed burns on the western part of the UW–Madison campus on Sunday, April 6.

A burn crew will arive at mid-morning to begin preparations.

Biocore prairie will likely be the first unit burned, with ignition taking place late morning. Other units along Picnic Point are also slated to be burned.

If the wind cooperates, two burn units near campus facilities will be burned – Willow Creek Woods savanna restoration (bordering the Natatorium to the north), and the Cogen Bioswales located across Observatory Drive from the Walnut Street Greenhouses and Biotron, and west of the Natatorium.

These units have very narrow windows for wind direction and smoke dispersal, so a final decision on whether the burn can begin will be made Sunday.