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‘Resentment on Main Street’ begins 2011 University Roundtable fall series

September 6, 2011

What does the rest of Wisconsin think of public employees? Political scientist Kathy Cramer Walsh travels the state to bring us the view from beyond Madison, especially pertinent in a year featuring recall elections and the most politically divided state in memory.

Walsh’s Oct. 12 talk is the first of the fall University Roundtable series, which will also feature UW System President Kevin Reilly’s view of the globally competitive university and the beautiful sounds of the UW Madrigal Singers. The programs include a buffet lunch that begins serving at 11:45 a.m. at the Memorial Union and these topics:

Oct.  12, “Perceptions from Main Street: Resentment Toward Public Employees in Wisconsin”: Walsh is an associate professor of political science who has been inviting herself into coffee klatches throughout the state since 2007 to learn more about public opinion here. She will share what she has learned about the nature of resentment toward public employees, including attitudes about university employees. This event is in Tripp Commons.

Nov. 9, “Entrepreneurial Universities + Effective System = Competitive Advantage”: UW System President Kevin Reilly will speak about a significant new model for leadership and administration throughout the UW System. The globally competitive environment, the need to prepare more graduates to serve successfully as citizens in a democracy and professionals in a knowledge-based economy, as well as the likelihood of continued limitations in state financial support all contribute to the rationale for this new model. This new model, combining a lean statewide administration and a unified system of institutions with the flexibility to respond rapidly to the state’s needs for education, research, and economic development, represents a distinct competitive advantage for the state of Wisconsin. This event will be in Great Hall.

Dec. 7, “Regifting: Recycled Music for the Season”: The December Roundtable will showcase the talents of the Madrigal Singers, including work from the Renaissance and the present day. This event will be held in the Great Hall, which will be decorated for the annual Tudor dinners.

The Roundtables — held on the second Wednesday of October and November and on the first Wednesday of December — are open to members of the university community and their guests. The October luncheon is in Tripp Commons, while the November and December events are in Great Hall. Each luncheon costs $10. The reservation deadline is one week before each event. Make them online at Reservations can also be made through Mary Johansen at 263-2985 or Checks made out to UW Roundtable can be sent to 270 Bascom Hall, 500 Lincoln Drive, Madison, WI 53706.

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