Upcoming Lectures in the Library Colloquia
Upcoming lectures in the School of Library and Information Studies colloquium will cover the subject gamut from the virtual library to a history of children and reading. Titles include:
- “Children and the New Media Environment,” Suzanne Pingree, professor of agricultural journalism, and Renee Bolta, April 4, noon, 5005 Vilas Hall.
- “Ordinary Folk, Information and Life in the Round,” Elfreda Chatman, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill School of Information and Library Science, April 10, 3:30 p.m. SLIS Commons, fourth floor, Helen C. White Hall.
- “The American Historical Review, 1895-1995: A Bibliometric Analysis,” Thomas Walker, UW-Milwaukee School of Library and Information Science, April 16, 3:30 p.m., 5005 Vilas Hall.
- “Transformations: From a Traditional to a Virtual Library,” Jack Solock, Internet librarian, Computer Sciences, April 23, 3:30 p.m., SLIS Commons.
- A special conference, “Defining Print Culture for Youth: Children and Reading Since 1876,” May 9-10. Time/place specifics to be forthcoming.
For more information, contact Barbara Arnold, 263-2909 or bjarnold@facstaff.wisc.edu.